Twilight me!

Mar 21, 2008 22:52

Stolen from my fellow fangirl,
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meme, twilight

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Comments 12

scarlett71177 March 22 2008, 04:20:05 UTC
Oh hugs you!

I do believe this will be repetitive, but HOTTT EDWARD/BELLA LOVIN'! Raw and passionate and break the walls down feisty. Rawr. XD

YES! I loved the 'break the walls down feisty' bit, I had to smile at that.

"Cell Block Tango" How perfect!


mary_v March 22 2008, 04:46:48 UTC
Darling, If I ever write smut, it will be with them breaking at least one wall. And I swear for the first time evar i want to write smut.
:D Glad I could make you smile!:D

And it is perfect, innit?:D


scarlett71177 March 22 2008, 15:14:39 UTC
Um, I fully support that plot.

And I fully support you writing smut, lol.



mary_v March 22 2008, 21:24:28 UTC
Well, I've never done it before, but Ill do my best to make it as "R" as possible. NC-17 is out of the question right now, though.:P


girlspell March 22 2008, 14:21:15 UTC
Aw...can't answer any of them. Have never read any of Meyer's books. Oh well, I'll live.


mary_v March 22 2008, 21:25:19 UTC
OH OH! Read them, right now. they are absolutely wonderful - I'm on my 3d readthrough of the 1st one. totally awesome series!!!


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