Twilight me!

Mar 21, 2008 22:52

Stolen from my fellow fangirl,

1) Stephenie Meyer asks you for your advice on what she should put into Breaking Dawn. What do you tell her?
I do believe this will be repetitive, but HOTTT EDWARD/BELLA LOVIN'! Raw and passionate and break the walls down feisty. Rawr. XD

2) Have you ever converted someone to the Twilight fandom?
Yep! a couple of people! (Still waiting for you to get to reading, aries11!:P)

3) Pick a character from Twilight and ship them with another character from a different fandom. What ship did you come up with, and what is your reasoning?
Hmmm... I'm not usually one for cross-fandom shipping, but if I absolutely must... I guess Angela/Neville (from Harry Potter). (Though as an aside, I'm kind of falling in love with the idea of Jacob/Angela.)

4) It's karaoke night in Forks - everyone is there. Who is singing what?

Rosalie: "Hot" from Avril Lavigne. (Singing about Emmet, of course, but she can't help include herself in the description.:P)
Ohh... and definitely the "Cell Block Tango" from the Chicago soundtrack... He had it coming... hehe
Bella: "Heartburn" From Alicia Keys.:D
Edward: ohhh.... Michael Bublé's "Feeling Good"... *shivers pleasantly at the thought* :D AND! "Fever" :D:D:D *dies*
Alice: The Spice Girls' "Do It"
Esme: All you need is love.:D
Emmett: "Mr. Tangerine Speedo" from Caviar (*dies of laughter at the idea*)
Jacob: Celine Dion's "My Heart will Go On " (and while he sings he's Piss drunk and stripping... *agrr*) Come on, admit it, you can see it. hehe.
Carlisle: "Dr Jones" From Aqua. ... what? It could happen! hehe

5) Surprise! You're living in the Twilightverse. Jacob and Edward are both happily taken and won't look your way. Who do you have your eye on?

You know you'd think this would be a hard decision, what with all the hot Vampires and Werewolves prancing around her books (it really is indecent) but it's defintely Emmet. I mean, I'm starting to hate Rosalie, just a little bit. But that's just me being stupid, cuz I've always liked her, even when she was Uber!Bitch to Bella.:P and it's also cuz of the hott Actor!Emmet pics I keep seing. I mean *nguhhh*


1) Post your favorite Twilight related icon. Explain why you like it so much.
Oh I don't have a favourite, but the best I've used by far is the "Rainbows" one. *points to icon*

2) What is a song that reminds you of Twilight or a Twilight character? Can be silly or serious.

Definitely, Definitely "My Moon My Man" by Feist. When I bought the CD at the beginning of last summer, I would constantly play that song because it's SO E/B and perfect for the series.

3) Link us to 1 Twilight fic you love & 1 Twilight community you love.
early_evening is a great one... and I've read and liked a lot  of good fics, though here's one that made it to my memories: The Last Blue Tree on Oreo Avenue

4) Nominate someone (or a few people) for a Twilight related award.

ncdsbookworm for being an awesome beta and an even better newly-converted (by me!) fangirl

scarlett71177 because she always has the best things to review my fics with, and well, she and I can never quite get enough of swooning over E/B. Kindred spirits for life!

junia100 because once the books come out we're on the phone and acting like the crazy fangirls we are.

5) Jasper or Emmett? Why?

Do you honestly think I can pick? HA! I love them both, they're great characters.
Emmet because, he's so fun loving and such an awesome brother and hysterical and hott stuff.
Jasper because he has that intensity about him - dark, brooding and beautiful. (Nothing compared to Edward, however.:P

meme, twilight

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