Earlier today,
dixgrl78 posted details about donations to the National Breast Cancer Foundation for Mary's birthday. On the flip side of that, we are also putting together another scrapbook for Mary from her fans. Below the cut you'll find more information.
Q: What can I send?
Anything you'd like that is appropriate for a scrapbook. This includes letters and notes, cards, photographs, drawings, and Photoshop artwork, etc. In addition, if you'd like to design and decorate your own scrapbook page, please feel free to do so. The scrapbook pages must be 12" x 12" or smaller in order to fit in the book itself.
Whatever you choose to send, all I ask is that you keep it respectful. Submissions will be screened to ensure that Mary's safety and well-being is maintained.
Q: How many items can I submit?
Right now there is no set limit. If you want to do something like write a letter and send some artwork, that's great! If you just want to send a note, that's great, too!
Q: I'm not too great at drawing or Photoshop and I don't really want to write a letter. What can I do?
Last year, a lot of people told me they were unsure of what to submit. My best suggestion? Send her a note that says "Happy Birthday from -insert your name or screen name-!" or a note of appreciation for the work she has done. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Just taking the time to wish Mary a happy birthday or to say thank you is personal enough.
Both handwritten and emailed notes (whichever you feel more comfortable sending) will be placed on decorated, colorful paper. The emailed notes will be printed in a variety of fonts. If you want yours printed in a specific font, all you have to do is specify which one and I'll make a note of it.
Q: Where do I send my submission?
You have two options.
1. If you choose to send a submission online, you can email it to me at mmscrapbook@yahoo.com.
2. If you wish to send a submission via snail mail, you can reach me at the same email address to ask for my home address. Please be sure to include an additional note with your lj user name and/or your email address so that I can contact you when I have safely received your submission. If you do choose to send it via the postal service, please make sure you are aware of the deadline, especially if you are overseas.
Q: When do I need to have my submission sent to you?
FRIDAY, APRIL 18 is the last day I'll be accepting submissions.
Q: When are you sending the scrapbook to Mary?
I will spend the week after the deadline organizing the scrapbook and will try to mail it out by Wednesday, April 23.
I will also try to have some banners made during the weekend to help promote both the donation drive and the scrapbook.
Last year's scrapbook was a great success and you can see photos of the book
here. If you have any questions, please contact me at mmscrapbook@yahoo.com and I'll be happy to answer them!