
Apr 19, 2008 07:35

Long day ahead.  Trying to wrap up two end-of-the-semester project.  Am going crazy trying to figure out some challenging CSS design - may have to scale back as my ambition far outstrips my skill, I'm afraid.  (Ah for two more weeks so I could just pick up CSS for Dummies or something of that nature!) .  I wonder if i can get away with skipping on ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

thickets April 19 2008, 13:00:06 UTC
Hey hey hey! It's been such a long time. :D

What are you doing your dissertation on? Are you writing your Paprika analysis for a class (is it a theory class or an anime class?!)?

I am shopping around for English PhD programs right now on the off-chance one of them wants me enough and I want them enough to chose them over library school. XD


marvolomaven April 19 2008, 15:47:34 UTC
It's been quite a while. I see you're studying hard as well! I'm writing on Paprika for a Psychoanalysis and Science course, which seemed like a piece of cake until my instructor recommended throwing Lacan into the mix.

My dissertation is going to be on representations of women in cross-media adaptations. I'm working right now on an independent study that is kind of a mini intro to the topic - representations of women in the workplace in j-drama (with some emphasis on josei manga adaptation).

Good luck with your PhD shopping. Where are you thinking about? Are you applying this fall and are you sticking with Medievalism? If you want any insights from my own tortuous process or that I've heard through the grapevine feel free to give me a shout and I'll pass them along in a less public forum. :)


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