
Apr 19, 2008 07:35

Long day ahead.  Trying to wrap up two end-of-the-semester project.  Am going crazy trying to figure out some challenging CSS design - may have to scale back as my ambition far outstrips my skill, I'm afraid.  (Ah for two more weeks so I could just pick up CSS for Dummies or something of that nature!) .  I wonder if i can get away with skipping on some of the required CSS and just using an HTML table...  I spent literally 7.5 hours last night just trying to set up the template - I'm sure if I knew what I was doing this would be much easier.

Of course, I'm focusing on this because I am scared to death of sitting down and writing my Lacanian analysis of Paprika.  A more terrifying prospect I cannot imagine.  Why on earth do I do these things to myself?  (To be fair, it looked like it would be easy at first... but then, many things look easy at first glance, don't they?)

Looking forward to this summer and just focusing on conference organization, tying up my independent study and maybe working on some Japanese.  Never has a week and a half seemed so far away.  Will give myself a crash course in web design as well - heaven knows I need it - and prep for the course I'll be teaching, which is awesomely open-ended enough that I should be able to use all materials that I am considering using for my dissertation.  Maybe I'll brainstorm more on that later.  For now, back to the dreaded CSS.
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