Why am I still working on this?

Apr 19, 2008 23:49

Heavens!  I don't remember the last time I voluntarily sat in front of the computer this long... (Okay, I probably do - best guess is when I sat down and watched the HYD I and II dorama both at a stretch - but that was thesis procrastination!)  Over 7 hours last night and the better part of 16 so far today.  I'm going to be blind and hobbling by the time I get up from this chair.  Who knew that Ulmer would be able to drive me to this kind of freakish determination?  Certainly not me - that's for sure!  Suddenly, I feel like a special, special snowflake.  By tomorrow I will have melted again.

One a slightly less geeky note - I just got tickets for the special screening of Death Note for the 20th!  Who cares if I've seen it before!  It's Light...It's L...It's the big freakin' screen baby!!! 
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