As the Earth trembles from the aftermath of the war for Genosha, an all-consuming threat grows in space - in time, it may menace the Earth itself if it cannot be stopped. On the tiny blue-green orb I have chosen to observe, the lives of the inhabitants continue - blissfully unaware of the dangers that may await them.
(OOC Note : This is a 'jump-
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Comments 37
"Epoch, I've almost got this wrapped up, but as big as this detachment is, I don't think it's more than a scouting fleet based on the movements. I'd hate to see the main body of this force.."
"J.M.! Remember how we were talking about moving out of this dump? I think I found the perfect place!"
She thrusts the flier into James Michael's hand while simultaneously reaching out and peeling back the sack of frozen peas pressed against his face. "How's that eye doing?"
"Ladies and Gentlemen, and children of all ages! Tonight, our circus is privileged to present one of the most outstanding aerialists I have ever seen! Please, a warm round of applause for the mutant daredevil Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler!"
It was good to perform again - and to not have to pretend that he was wearing makeup, as well. Though there had been a few protesters outside the tent, the audience seemed supportive for the most part, and curious at the worst. As the spotlight strikes him on the tiny platform, Kurt gives a theatrical bow, and waves to the crowd - then leaps into the air to start the show.
And in his secret heart, Charles is pretty sure about his answer. But that doesn't mean that Magneto's not going to have to work for it. "Decided to try and arrange open recruiting for the Brotherhood of Mutants, then?" Charles asks dryly, "Because I'm drawing the line at letting you share the Institute's billboard space."
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