*huggles for Jazz* Poor guy! My heart aches for him every time he talks about Prowl -- you've done a wonderful job showing his longing.
And now I'm really curious about how you're going to bring all the one-sided couples together. Jealous!Sunny was cute and Bluestreak is always adorable. X3
Ohhh, it's a roller coaster I'm afraid. Though, I have to admit Sunstreaker/Bluestreak are going to go far easier than Prowl and Jazz, and sooner, too! XD
I love the explanation for the visors, and the glimpses into Soundwave/Blaster, Sunstreaker/Bluestreak, and especially Prowl/Jazz. I like that Jazz's friends all know about Prowl and do their best to support and comfort Jazz. They are true friends, and it's a wonderful look at the group. Lovely set-up for the next set of lessons, oh yes.
Oh yes, I am setting up the pace for the other couples to take the spotlight for the next few chapters -though there's going to be increasing 'tension' for Prowl/Jazz during that, too. Mwahaha.
Glad you've liked it, thank you sooo much for reading <3
I'm glad to hear that! Given Sunstreaker's jealousy here, Bluestreak and he may have something soon. Plus, you've got to let us have the anniversary party that you've been talking about for...a lot of chapters, at least. Plus there has to be something happening for Blaster and Soundwave and their family!
Yes, there's a lot happening in IC, and I love reading about everybody. It'll be fun to read, especially if you're going to crank the tension between Prowl and Jazz. Oh, this is going to be excellent. *glee*
There's two parties in the brewing actually. One's a 'royal' kind of thing, that's a set up for Optimus/Starscream happenings. Mwahaha. (And Inferno/Red Alert!)
And the other's pretty much Sunny/Blue and Prowl/Jazz and both of 'em tie to Blaster/Sounders XD
I'm half tempted to cuff them together and throw them in a locked closet together, with strict instructions that they aren't getting out until they've confessed and interfaced... repeatedly.
As usual beautifully written and very vivid. I love the hints of Sunny/Blue. But we still need to find Sides someone...
Comments 35
I really like the explanation for the visors. Quite sweet and adorable! Optics only revealed for that special someone. D'awwwwwww!
I'm so mushy, but I thought it'd be a nice thing if the visors had a symbolic/ritualistic purpose. Glad you like it so far, thank you for reading!
And now I'm really curious about how you're going to bring all the one-sided couples together. Jealous!Sunny was cute and Bluestreak is always adorable. X3
Glad you're liking it so far, thanks for reading!
Lovely set-up for the next set of lessons, oh yes.
Glad you've liked it, thank you sooo much for reading <3
Plus there has to be something happening for Blaster and Soundwave and their family!
Yes, there's a lot happening in IC, and I love reading about everybody. It'll be fun to read, especially if you're going to crank the tension between Prowl and Jazz. Oh, this is going to be excellent. *glee*
And the other's pretty much Sunny/Blue and Prowl/Jazz and both of 'em tie to Blaster/Sounders XD
Damn my contrieved and convoluted AU!
I'm half tempted to cuff them together and throw them in a locked closet together, with strict instructions that they aren't getting out until they've confessed and interfaced... repeatedly.
As usual beautifully written and very vivid.
I love the hints of Sunny/Blue.
But we still need to find Sides someone...
Sideswipe: Stop trying to pair me! DX
Sideswipe: Hey! Dx
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