Title: Blackberry Drabbles (02/??)
Prompt: "Twins"
Verse: G1 AU
Rating: PG
Words: 343
Characters/Pairings: Implied ProwlxJazz
Warnings: Slightly morbid and dark themes?
Summary: He just wanted to be let go.
Notes: Quick little creepy ficlet thing inspired by a picture by FoxElie in DA, will link it when I'm home.
Why do you keep doing this? )
Comments 4
I did enjoy the story but mostly because it left me with so many questions. ... Who is the bot in the reflection? I'm figuring it's a deadish twin but how does that work? If Prowl is the masquerade role then why is he smiling? ...
This drabble just makes think; I like it. :)
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