Blackberry drabbles

Jan 28, 2011 12:59

Title: Blackberry Drabbles (02/??)
Prompt: "Twins"
Verse: G1 AU
Rating: PG
Words: 343
Characters/Pairings: Implied ProwlxJazz
Warnings: Slightly morbid and dark themes?
Summary: He just wanted to be let go.
Notes: Quick little creepy ficlet thing inspired by a picture by FoxElie in DA, will link it when I'm home.

White fingers brushed along the pointed edge of a blue visor. It was flashy and somewhat aggressive in its looks but did the job it was meant to do. Blue optics stared vacantly at the reflection staring back on the mirror docked on the wall.

“Why do you keep doing this?” The reflection seemed to ask despondently.

“It’s for them.” The mech responded.

“They need to realize. They need to let it go.”

“It would crush them to know…I can’t do that to them.” The mech brushed his fingers along his chest, leaving a black streak over pristine white plating. “They miss you. They need you.”

“What about you? Don’t they need you, too? Don’t they need you happy and…sane?”

The mech brushed fingers along a pale white faceplate, leaving ash grey plating on their wake. “I’m fine, I can do this…”

“For how much longer? How much longer will you be able to trick him into believing this farce? Doesn’t your lover deserve to know? You claim to love him more than anything and I know that you’ve even considered opening your spark to him…what will you do if he sees what you are doing? If he rejects you?”

The mech formerly black and white stared at the reflection. His plating was black with golden accents and even his chevron once a vibrant red was now also colored in golden hues. “It’s easy for you to speak…you’re dead.”

The reflection stared back with the same vacant and hollow expression. “No, brother…you keep me trapped in this life…because our progenitors refuse to accept I’m gone.” The tone became more sympathetic. “Prowl…you’re losing yourself because of this…You can’t live your life being two mechs…you have to end this.”

“I can’t…”

“Prowl…do it for Jazz.” The reflection spoke as its hand placed the visor in place, covering
the vacant optics. “Please, brother…let me go.”

The mech turned around, beaming a confident smile as he left the room to play his role in this masquerade. The reflection stayed for a few moments. “Just let me go…”

jazz, blackberry drabbles, prowl

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