Title: It's More than a Feeling - Hold me, Thrill me, Kiss me, Kill him. (28/30)
Day: Sept 28
Prompt: "Bots behaving badly"
Verse: G1 with a pinch of IDW/WW
Rating: PG-13
Words: 904
Other Characters: Mention of Sentinel Prime.
Warnings: Just a little bit of crack and slashy nonsense.
Summary: The last thing he needed was the two of them working
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Comments 8
"perfect excuse for me to misbave" should be Prowl's new answer for everything!!!
Just a thought, I think it might read better if you just got rid of the first 4 paragraphs and started the fic with:
“When I told you I wanted you to get close to him and find what information you could, I really never expect you to take the recommendation of getting close so literally and to spark.” Optimus sighed heavily, looking at his friend’s visor with a tired expression.
and keep from there, would read as more humorous imo but I'm suffering serious sleep deprivation here so take my opinion with a very large grain of salt.
Ah yes, but who planned it? Jazz? Or Prowl?
Cute ficbit, but felt sorry for Prime. Sort of.
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