I'll get this damned thing done, even if work kills meh!

Nov 30, 2010 08:50

Title: It's More than a Feeling - Hold me, Thrill me, Kiss me, Kill him. (28/30)
Day: Sept 28
Prompt: "Bots behaving badly"
Verse: G1 with a pinch of IDW/WW
Rating: PG-13
Words: 904
Other Characters: Mention of Sentinel Prime.
Warnings: Just a little bit of crack and slashy nonsense.
Summary: The last thing he needed was the two of them working against him. They were set out to be his doom.
Notes: For the Sexy September challenge @ prowlxjazz. Happy Anniversary to all in the pxj community, here's to many more to come. This piece is not beta read so feel free to correct me. I had like three different fics done for this prompt but decided to save the other two for a bigger piece, purajo will probably get a kick out of this one.

“When I told you I wanted you to get close to him and find what information you could, I really never expect you to take the recommendation of getting close so literally and to spark.” Optimus sighed heavily, looking at his friend’s visor with a tired expression.

“Ya never specified, boss-bot.” Jazz shrugged with an unrepentant grin, stroking his chest plates with a perfectly catty smugness, teasing the young Prime with the spark bond only they knew about.

After Optimus became a Prime, he inherited several officers that were members of his predecessor, Sentinel Prime’s military high command. Several sided immediately with new Prime and pledged their loyalty to him, swearing to fight for the ideals that Optimus represented by right of being the matrix’s chosen. All but one. The stubborn tactician seemed less than impressed with Optimus Prime and his rule and more often than not made a point to demonstrate his distaste for the mech through subtle but well placed jabs here and there, tearing his expositions of strategic nature to shreds and refusing to suggest appropriate alternatives by carefully wording his dismissal into what easily passed as an ambiguous suggestion.

Prowl had become a proverbial thorn on Optimus’ side. He would never deny that when Prowl actually agreed to help out in the planning of strategies and counter strategies he was at the top of his game but it was his refusal to put himself under the new Prime’s full service what frustrated Optimus and drove him towards taking a less than honorable approach to winning the mech’s compliance to his side. Optimus Prime could never understand how a mech so devoted to the Autobot cause was so stubbornly refusing to offer his assistance when it was most needed. It made no sense and Optimus was determined to at least procure some form of advantage that Prowl could provide willingly or not and to this end he sent Jazz to complete this particular mission.

He never expected what started as just another mission like many others Jazz had carried over in the past would end up with his best friend turning on him and siding with his now bondmate. How in Primus’ name did Prowl manage to seduce Jazz when it was Jazz who was expected to do the romancing for manipulation purposes? Optimus didn’t know and wasn't particularly looking forward to hearing the story either.

“Jazz, this is the last thing I need at this moment.” Optimus rubbed at his face tiredly. “I need you both working with me, not against me.”

“See, Prime, that’s where ya don’t quite get things.” Jazz explained, his usually defiant attitude now turned fully on his friend. “I gotta admit I didn’t get Prowl’s reluctance to side with ya fully an’ his defiance, but after bein’ in such close...quarters with his spark, I can tell ya one thing.” Jazz turned to face Optimus fully and seriously. “Mech ain’t bein’ stubborn fer the sake of bein’ difficult, Optimus. Ya still got a lot o’ growin’ ahead of you, an’ if y’want Prowl to be loyal to ya the way he was to Sentinel ya still got a lot of provin’ to do.”

“I would have thought what I’ve done so far was enough proof. What else does he expect of me?” Optimus eyed Jazz wearily. “What do you expect from me now? I thought you were someone I could trust, and now you turn your back on me?”

“I’m not turnin’ my back on ya, Optimus. I’m as much yer friend now as I was back then when ya weren’t a Prime yet.” Jazz’s expression became more sympathetic if still a little defiant. “But ya really need t’grow still, an’ Prowl won’t give ya his expertise and offer his services unbidden until ya earn his respect first and foremost. Ya gotta show him yer as deign a successor of Sentinel as most of us fancy you.”

Jazz smirked again and stroked his chest. “He thinks ya got potential Optimus, but in his optics yer still a sparklet takin’ its first steps so ya gonna have t’demonstrate what ya really can do as leader an’ soldier, not just a figurine.” Jazz’s grin became almost devious. “Y’see...sendin’ me with the clear intention of hackin’ into him or manipulatin’ him t’get what ya wanted didn’t do much to improve his opinion of ya.”

Optimus rubbed at his faceplates again, feeling an impeding ache budding on the back of his processor. “I can see it was a terrible mistake now.”

“I would not call it necessarily a mistake.” Prowl slipped into the room and wrapped an arm around Jazz’s waist. “Just a perfect excuse for me to misbehave with one of your trusted officers, Prime.”

Optimus groaned and rubbed his faceplate. “I’m going to regret this my whole life, aren’t I?”

Jazz laughed and allowed Prowl to pull him towards the entrance. “Maybe fer a few deca-cycles, but ya’ll be alright when ya figure everythin’ out. Now if ya excuse me ya know what they say ‘bout newly bonded an’ their misdemeanor.”

“Just get out of my office already.” Optimus shook his head and shooed them away before he sat down on his chair and brought a hand to his optics with a long suffering sigh. “I cannot help but think someone planned this all along to get what he wanted.” Optimus smiled. “These two are going to be my doom.”

pxj challenges: september 10, crack, prowlxjazz

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