NaBloPoMo/attack of the killer acronyms

Oct 30, 2008 13:19

So I've made a decision to do NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month - just make a blog post once a day during the month of November).

I'm doing this, in part, in solidarity with my friends who are doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month - write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November) which, despite an early thought to perhaps try ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

chasethestars October 30 2008, 20:40:57 UTC
This was my favorite NaBloPoMo post from last year: (the second to last line)

If you get stuck, post a lolcat or a poll. Or stats on where you are in Heroes/Villains!


marta October 30 2008, 22:51:31 UTC
Very nice :)


geeklite October 30 2008, 21:57:36 UTC
You should blog about how awesome I am!


marta October 30 2008, 22:52:10 UTC
Your wish is my command*!

*some restrictions may apply


jai_dit October 30 2008, 22:23:11 UTC
My general posts (when I post them) are "here's what I did today", and usually I figure there's enough for a decent sized post.


marta October 30 2008, 22:53:45 UTC
Dear LJ: today I worked. Around 10 p.m. I may switch over to City of Villains. The end.

(I'm really not too creative, but will work on delivery)


jai_dit October 30 2008, 23:34:35 UTC
That still counts, though! :D

There's always "txtlj instead of twitter", too.


azurelunatic October 30 2008, 22:24:42 UTC
When I blog, I'm usually holding forth about LJ stuff. FAQ-a-day if you're stuck for inspiration?


marta October 30 2008, 22:53:57 UTC
YES! I can do this!


kazwell October 30 2008, 22:42:51 UTC
Call it whatever you want, but blogging ain't that complicated (doesn't mean it's easy though). I like this post from Merlin Mann on what makes for a good blog (which might also apply to what makes a good journal).
"Good blogs reflect focused obsessions. People start real blogs because they think about something a lot. Maybe even five things. But, their brain so overflows with curiosity about a family of topics that they can’t stop reading and writing about it."
So don't worry about writing what's interesting to others - just blog about what you can't stop thinking about.


marta October 30 2008, 22:55:12 UTC
City of Villains, geeklite, LJ, Bruce Campbell, and William Shatner it is! Sounds good!


bibliofile October 31 2008, 16:19:36 UTC

You could also do polls like this one to acquire lists of topics, then follow-up polls to have us choose a topic for you. Until that method stops working for you, of course.


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