NaBloPoMo/attack of the killer acronyms

Oct 30, 2008 13:19

So I've made a decision to do NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month - just make a blog post once a day during the month of November).

I'm doing this, in part, in solidarity with my friends who are doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month - write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November) which, despite an early thought to perhaps try, I've dismissed as, uh, not really do-able for me. The other part is to get back into writing and posting regularly - I've been sorely remiss in this habit this year.

I am, however, getting an early case of writer's block. What do people blog* about? While I can't particularly think of anything I'd have to say that would be interesting to others, I'm certainly opinionated - and I've heard that's a start.

So help me out here - what do people write about on blogs? Anything you can think of that I should use as a topic during November? For those of you who blog, what do you write about, particularly when you open a fresh page to write and don't have a topic in mind? Is this too many questions to ask in one post? See, the anxiety is starting already...

Poll Got any blogging topics or ideas? HALP?

*Blogging being different, imo, from journaling, which is what I know how to do, but have even more incredible writers' block about, and am hoping getting in the practice of at least updating once a day can crack that block too.


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