I'm not even going to ask what you men are doing out here in your matching pajamas.

Aug 04, 2011 12:08

Costume dilemma solved! Though I really wanted to actually dress up and be girly for a change, it was just shaping up to be too expensive to buy a dress right now, and I had sort of resigned myself to not doing a costume. But then inspiration struck, in a Z-shaped lightning bolt! I will be going as a member of Team Zissou! I found a shirt and red ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

microcutts August 6 2011, 11:15:47 UTC
The Kick-Ass soundtrack is awesome, all of it. Trainspotting. Also always liked Quentin Tarantino's choice of music for his movies, specifically Kill Bill and Reservoir Dogs.

More recently though, I've been addicted to The Book of Mormon. Not exactly a film, but hey!


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