I'm not even going to ask what you men are doing out here in your matching pajamas.

Aug 04, 2011 12:08

Costume dilemma solved! Though I really wanted to actually dress up and be girly for a change, it was just shaping up to be too expensive to buy a dress right now, and I had sort of resigned myself to not doing a costume. But then inspiration struck, in a Z-shaped lightning bolt! I will be going as a member of Team Zissou! I found a shirt and red beanie on vintagecotton.com, and it says the stuff should come in 2-4 days, which will just make it in time. And if it doesn't come in time.. well, at least I tried. And I'll have a cool t-shirt and hat for my own uses later. :)

My next major task will be to make the music playlist for the day. To which, dear flisters, I turn to you! I have piles and piles of movie soundtracks and will have no shortage of songs to choose from, but I'm willing to spring for some stuff on iTunes that I don't have, in terms of creating a well-rounded mix instead of just "Jen's Favourite Movie Songs." What are your favourite soundtrack tracks (be specific with the titles!) and/or iconic songs used in movies?


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