Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.

Jul 01, 2010 14:16

Making this super quick, on account of I am off to what is sure to be a really painful meeting. But I am committed to rolling this final stretch out on time, so, here we go!

Day 29, and what's to come )

movies, meme

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Comments 14

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marshmallow July 8 2010, 16:15:29 UTC
Haha, he was the greatest. My She-Ra girls totally kicked his butt all the time. XD


zombie_boogie July 2 2010, 23:52:17 UTC
Oh man, that's so awesome that you got to grow up with the Indy films. SO JEALOUS. They're some of my all-time favourites and I would have loved to be able to see them in theatres. Temple of Doom is probably my least favourite of the original trilogy, but it has its moments. AND OMG HEART RIPPING ACTION. SO INAPPROPRIATE FOR AN ACTION FIGURE. I didn't see them until I was in late elementary school, I think. I did, however, grow up right smack in the middle of the Golden Age of Disney (I was born in '85, so The Little Mermaid came out when I was four and the rest throughout my elementary school years) so those films primarily defined my childhood viewing experiences.


marshmallow July 8 2010, 16:20:07 UTC
I think now it's probably my least favourite too (of the originals.. *cough*), but when I was little, oh man. That box was so battered from toting to my grandma's and sleepovers and stuff. :)

Aww though!! To have been a little girl with all of those best Disney princesses!! So lucky! I had plenty of Disney movies, of course, but I depended mostly on re-releases and video and such.. (Granted, being slightly more grown never stopped me, even to this day, of going to all of them. XD)

In other news, that is the best icon.


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