People will say we're in love.

Jun 28, 2010 11:28

I forgot my iPod at home today, and am now feeling twitchy. I have plenty of music on my work computer to listen to, and plenty of pics and such if I get a few minutes to icon, and have been so lax on my writing that anything I started would be basically from scratch at this juncture anyways. Not to mention I have so much work to do today that I ( Read more... )

movies, meme

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Comments 13

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marshmallow June 28 2010, 19:54:00 UTC
I'm hoping I will! I used to have so much fun doing stuff like that! And I'll definitely post pics. :) The wool I ordered should come this week, and I hope to get started right away.


quinnscousin June 28 2010, 19:38:21 UTC
The chagrin of finishing Spirit Bound was put off by starting Storm Born. The only downside is now I'm fully caught up with all of Richelle Mead's books :( Since she has three different series, she averages 2-3 new books a year but it's still nearly 6 months until the next book!


marshmallow June 28 2010, 19:57:19 UTC
Yeah, that's the rough part. Luckily, with Richelle, I've got all of Dark Swan and Georgia Kincaid saved up to tide me over after. :D Still, I wish there was another great big series I could go right into. All of the other ones I've just started are only at the beginning (Hunger Games, Forest of Hands and Teeth, Chicagoland Vampires, etc.), so I'm playing the waiting game across the board.

Plus, where I am in Spirit Bound seems like it is ramping up to something HUGE and I don't want it to ennnnd. *whine*


jessm June 28 2010, 19:44:14 UTC
Ah, I hope you got through all of your work all right. At one of my old jobs (three or four jobs ago, haha), I used to listen to my iPod all day, and I'd freak out a little when I forgot it and/or the battery died. I was, like, "Now I'm expected to work in silence!?"

That wool animals book looks sooo cute!!! I want one of those penguins! You must let me know how they turn out once you make them. :)

Honorable mention: Velociraptors.
ROFL, awesome!


marshmallow June 28 2010, 20:03:55 UTC
You laugh, but I've had nightmares, man!! I had one nightmare once that had velociraptors, ninjas, AND zombies. (Though i use nightmare loosely, because though it was scary, dream-me was surprisingly adept at eluding all of these foes.)

Teehee, luckily, I am prone to impatience, and often buy a record from iTunes at work, and then shlep the folder home in my iPod drive, so I had plenty to listen to. But of course, I got a bug in my ear for an album I just HAD TO LISTEN TO and didn't have it here. :P

Hehe, I will probably start with the penguins.. they're nice and round and seem like they'd be easy. XD


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marshmallow June 28 2010, 21:59:52 UTC
Haha.. I've heard that. ;) I'll probably get a chance to sit down and watch it properly when I do my hair later.


i_am_girlfriday June 28 2010, 22:22:29 UTC
That is one awesome poster!!!!!!!!


marshmallow June 28 2010, 23:14:43 UTC
I just love it! I've had a smallish version of it waiting to be framed for ages. I need to get on that!


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