surrounded by snow and bears and wood and stars

Jan 22, 2010 09:55

You guys, Happy Town.
Haplin, Minnesota, "Happy Town," has enjoyed an uneasy peace for five years, but all that is about to change. Still haunted by a number of unsolved kidnappings, the small town now faces a dark new crime that brings all its unresolved fears to the surface. Has the elusive "Magic Man" - who many believe is responsible for the ( Read more... )

fangirl, meme, music

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Comments 23

zombie_boogie January 22 2010, 16:24:07 UTC
I have heard nothing about Happy Town except that Amy Acker is in it (and it made me kind of resentful towards the show for awhile since it took her away from Dollhouse). I actually thought it would be a sitcom LOL. But the premise sounds really cool.

I haven't done that icon meme in awhile, so I'll take some picks!


marshmallow January 22 2010, 16:34:18 UTC
Haha, yeah, when I read the description, it took me a bit aback too.. I hope that doesn't hurt the show! Well, actually, I suppose that's jumping the gun a bit. First I'll hope that it's actually good, and we eventually get to see it, and then I'll hope for the rest of the stars to align. ;)

And here's for icons! In a single image, on account of I'm lazy today. ;P

... )


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marshmallow January 22 2010, 17:05:40 UTC
I kind of feel bad for all of the young stars in that series. Really, they were a pretty eclectic lot at the start of it. And I know anyone going into acting has to expect a certain amount of attention and scrutiny, and blah blah etc, but these guys were so suddenly and massively set upon, both by fans and some really nasty critics. I think it's cool that she's stuck to her guns and just done her own thing throughout it all. It can't be easy. :/


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marshmallow January 22 2010, 17:18:06 UTC
I didn't! Though I should maybe go back and rewatch now that I'm a fan of hers from other stuff.. I might find a new appreciation!

Chuck has been so good! I don't want to say that they "fixed" it, because that would imply it was broken, which I don't think it was. But I was never a big fan of most of the Nerd Herd stuff, and they've cut back on that a lot, so the pacing feels a lot tighter. And I think they've done a nice job of integrating the Intersect II stuff, while keeping true to Chuck's character. I've been loving it. :)

As for icons, voila! So many lovelies, I could hardly choose, but here they are:

... )


afrocurl January 22 2010, 17:39:08 UTC
I had another friend give me icons, so why not! ME!

I am watching Community right now (I had to leave my room while the furnace is being installed.)


marshmallow January 22 2010, 19:51:51 UTC
But what a Community! It warms the soul. :D

A for your icons:

... )


underworld January 22 2010, 18:33:40 UTC
Happy Town sounds dope! I wanna see that :)

MICHELLEEEEEE <3 I just downloaded Incendiary and there's a smokin' sex scene between her and Ewan McGregor I'm all about seeing lol. I also still need to watch Synecdoche, NY. love her movies! and I'm probably in the very unpopular crowd here but Jen > Joey!!! haha. and um. yeah. agree about everything about KStew. she fuckin' rocks, can act... Twilight certainly isn't her best work but I mean, she CAN act. love her :)

oh, and pick some icons for me? :)


marshmallow January 22 2010, 19:55:03 UTC
Hee!! That was a hell of a scene, wasn't it?! Yowsa. And another Jen fan! I really might have to give her character another look! But I will always love Joey best. :)

ICONS! OMG you had so many new ones I hadn't seen yet too.

... )


underworld January 22 2010, 20:19:32 UTC
well originally i loved joey, of course... never hated jen... i remember back in my dc obsessed days defending jen against a swarm of haters! they were neverending!!! haha. rewatching the series though, i found that joey often times was an insufferable bitch >=O LMAO. maybe it's just me??? idk, watch and tell me! ha.


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