surrounded by snow and bears and wood and stars

Jan 22, 2010 09:55

You guys, Happy Town.
Haplin, Minnesota, "Happy Town," has enjoyed an uneasy peace for five years, but all that is about to change. Still haunted by a number of unsolved kidnappings, the small town now faces a dark new crime that brings all its unresolved fears to the surface. Has the elusive "Magic Man" - who many believe is responsible for the bizarre abductions - returned to claim another victim? As Haplin's mysteries are revealed, many of its prominent citizens' motives come under scrutiny as their own secrets and personalities.

I am kind of obsessed with this right now. It sounds kind of like October Road meets Stephen King, and it is full of people I love (including Amy Acker! and Sam Neill!), and takes place in Minnesota (which more things should, on account of awesomeness), and I want it to come out right now. Have any of you heard anything about it?

Also, icon meme!
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

For me, i_am_girlfriday picked:

1 - Natalie Dormer, by mariarita! This photoshoot just had such a pretty, vintage feel to it, and the coloring and texture of the icon really just amplifies that. It always reminds me of the fall, which makes me happy.

2 - Michelle Williams, by me! I always hated her character on Dawson's Creek, but since then, she's done such interesting work, and she has such wonderful sense of style.. always stylish, but in a natural, not over-done sort of way. This photoshoot in particular is a favorite of mine. And I also really like the way I did this icon and wish I could remember how I did it so I could do it again. :P

3 - Damon Albarn, by me! My favourite fella, from my favourite band, making a most charming face. :D

4 - Melissa George, by misstress_tink! She so effortlessly does classic femme fatale. I love it. :D And until she gets a movie that properly showcases this aspect of her, I will just keep rewatching Alias s3, and using this icon. :D

5 - KStew, by dictums! KStew gets such a bad rap, and I don't know why. She made Bella infinitely more likable than she was in the books, and has consistently mixed things up in her non-Twilight roles. I think she's neat. So, haters to the left, yo. (As an aside, I am wicked excited for The Runaways. Has there even been a movie about women rockers since Light of Day??)

Got two new albums this week: Astro Coast by Surfer Blood, and Bears by Sam Isaac. Sam Isaac is an English singer/songwriter, some shades of Bloc Party to his style. You may have noticed his lovely song at the end of this week's Chuck (and thanks to chuckmusiq for IDing it for me. :D). The rest of the album was so strong in listening to samples on iTunes that I couldn't resist just getting the whole thing. Surfer Blood is.. I dunno. Vampire Weekend meets the Beach Boys, maybe? I kind of love it.

In other news, I only watched Burn Notice and Community last night, so if I'm not commenting on posts that include shows other than those, well, that's why. :)

fangirl, meme, music

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