An Alley in Fandom - Late Tuesday Night

Dec 14, 2007 20:06

It had been a frustrating couple of days. So far, no one had been able to locate & capture Angelus, though reports of encounters with him were increasing all the time.

Bel and Logan had repeatedly told Veronica that under no circumstances should she go out by herself looking for him. But late Tuesday night, she couldn't sleep, so she got dressed and slipped out of the apartment quietly so as not to wake anyone.

She walked aimlessly around the town for a while, trying to get in Angelus's head and figure out where he might be holed up. Unconsciously, her feet carried her to the entrance of an alley. The businesses near the alley had changed, but it was a place that Veronica wasn't likely to forget.

Double checking that her taser, cell phone and holy water were easily accessible, she entered the alley. If he was here, he would pick up her scent and she was fairly certain he couldn't resist that temptation.

Angelus was pissed. He'd been in the zone torturing that cheerleader and then he'd 1) lost the cheerleader and 2) had had to deal with Xander.

So to say he was spoiling for a fight when he caught a familiar scent was a bit of an understatement.

He slowed his pace, lingering in the shadows as he sing-songed out "Roooonnie...."

Bingo, Veronica thought. It was reassuring to know that her instincts were still sharp.

"Can Angelus come out and play?" she called back, glancing around and trying to spot him.

"Dunno," he replied, keeping to the shadows even as he came closer. "Is there a toy around here that's interesting enough?"

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up when she heard his voice closer. She still hadn't managed to spot him yet, but she kept her voice steady as she replied, "I guess that depends on your definition of interesting."

"Oh, the usual," Angelus said. "Ballet, fine oil paintings, finding out how long someone can be set on fire and still be alive after I'm nice enough to put them out."

"Well, let me run and buy a tutu," Veronica said.

"Always thought you looked good both coming and going," Angelus replied.

Veronica wasn't exactly sure what to make of that. "Tell you what. Why don't you stay right here and I'll be back in twenty."

"Boy, must've sucked with all the so-called boyfriends," Angelus said. "You know a real man doesn't need that much time to warm up, especially if they're dealing with you."

"Excuse me?" Veronica said. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"That's the problem with dating boys," Angelus said. "All bark, not much wood."

"My love life is really none of your concern," Veronica told him.

"Could be."

"How do you figure that?"

"I'm not a moron like Angel is," Angelus replied. "I don't let a perfectly good... or appropriately naughty, girl pass me by because I've got guilt issues."

Veronica laughed. "You think that I would actually be interested in you?"

"You were interested in him," Angelus pointed out.

"That was a long time ago."

Veronica wrapped her arms around herself and looked around. "Are you going to lurk in the shadows all night or actually come out here and face me?"

"Say please."

Veronica clasped her hands in front of her. "Oh, please, please, can the big, bad vampire come out to play?"

One would think that she had learned her lesson about taunting dangerous people, but, well, it was Veronica.

"Awww." Angelus finally stepped out of the shadows in front of her, and to her right. "It's so cute when you play young."

"Yeah, well, I'm older and wiser than the last time we spoke," she said. "How the hell did you get here?"

"Could say the same for you," Angelus replied. "So who cried first, Logan or Bel?"

"I heard a rumor that you were in town and I couldn't resist stopping by to say hello," Veronica said. "Logan and Bel are around too."

"Always knew you couldn't resist me," Angelus said. "That's why you left the so-called cavalry behind."

"Oh, yes. You know evil has always been my number one kink," Veronica said dryly.

"Personally I thought it was rich boys with family issues but I figured I could sneak in under the bad boy attraction thanks to my charm," Angelus replied.

"So you showing up here was all for my benefit? What ever did I do to deserve such a wonderful gift?"

"I showed up here because of good fortune and a deep-seated desire to have fun with all my old buddies," Angelus said. "I'm here with you because you're fiestier than most."

"Lucky me," Veronica said. "You do realize that you won't be sticking around, right?"

"You do realize I wasn't planning on moving back." Angelus put his hands in his coat pockets and stepped closer. "I'm just seeing the sights before I move on to bigger, better, way less annoying places."

Veronica forced herself not to take a step back. "It's cute how you think we're not going to get Angel back."

"Gosh, if only a guy like me could take precautions against a thing like that," Angelus said, dryly. "Oh wait..."

"Right, because Willow is the only witch in the world who is capable of re-souling you," Veronica said, matching his tone. "Oh wait..."

"Hasn't happened yet," Angelus pointed out. "So either you're taking your time about it just to see the look on my face or you can't do it. Why am I doubting it's the first?"

"You know, I would have thought that you would have learned not to underestimate me two years ago," Veronica said. "How do you know I didn't signal someone to start the spell the moment I found you?"

"'cause the spell doesn't require a GPS," Angelus replied. He tsked. "Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie. You should know better than to pretend to know something you don't."

"I guess I just lose my head when it comes to you," Veronica retorted. "But I made a promise a long time ago to a friend that I wouldn't let you hurt anyone else and I fully intend to keep that promise."

"Now now." Angelus stepped even closer, his eyes on hers. "Why would I rip off a perfectly good head when there are so many benefits in leaving it attached to your body?"

Veronica was starting to think maybe she was in a tiny bit over her head now, but she tried not to let him see her fear. "Benefits I would never let you enjoy."

"That's okay," Angelus said, brightly. "I wasn't really thinking about asking your permission."

"Such a gentleman," Veronica replied, feeling sick to her stomach and taking a step back away from him.

"Ooo." Angelus gave a mock-shiver as he watched her move. "Now you're just trying to turn me on. Do it again."

"As fun as this has been, I think I'll be going now," Veronica said. "I wish I could say it's been a pleasure, but that would be a lie."

"After you," Angelus said, making a gesture of invitation.

"I'll leave you to skulking in the shadows," Veronica said, shoving her hands in her pockets. One wrapped around her taser and the other slid open the keyboard on her phone so she could dial for help if she needed it.

"Much appreciated, Ronnie," Angelus said. "You have a good night now. Be safe. You never know what evil might be out there."

"It's so good of you to look out for my well-being."

Veronica took a deep breath and started to walk past him. She wasn't sure if he'd actually let her pass, but she figured she had to try.

Angelus stayed right where he was. He let her walk past him without moving so much as an inch nearer to her.

He stayed like that until she was just out of his peripheral vision - just at the point that she might've actually entertained the idea that he was letting her get away.

Then he turned around and grabbed her. "Or there's other plans for tonight."

"And me without my stake," Veronica quipped, her hands shaking as she tried to hit the right buttons on her cell phone to speed dial Bel.

Too bad she hit the button for Angel's phone instead.

Angelus snickered as his Blackberry began to ring. "You do realize that calling him doesn't make him come back?"

"Just let me go, Angelus," Veronica said, her tongue tripping over the name. "You know you'll end up regretting it if you hurt me."

"Great thing about not having a soul - " Angelus went to turn her around and slam her back up against a wall " - no regrets."

"Fuck you," she said, slightly winded from the force at which she hit the wall. She struggled against him, trying to kick him and get free

"Promise?" Angelus asked. He ignored the kicks as they landed, instead pressing in closer so that his body was right up against hers.

Veronica shuddered with revulsion and wished her mouth wasn't so dry so she could work up enough saliva to spit on him.

That wasn't much of a problem as Angelus leaned in to cover her mouth with his. If he just so happened to be holding her down via the method of a hand over her breasts - well so be it.

The feel of his hands on her breasts was making her nauseous and she clenched her mouth closed against his kiss.

Well that was just a tease. Angelus grabbed her harder, trying to force her mouth open.

When he grabbed her harder, it hurt and her mouth fell open just enough that he was able to force it the rest of the way.

Veronica's mind was racing. She had to figure out a way out of this, but she needed to try to calm her nerves enough to think straight.

Angelus didn't mind her nerves racing. The resulting heartbeat provided a nice soundtrack for their embrace, as far as he was concerned.

He showed his appreciation by grinding his hips into her.

Veronica knew that begging him to let her go or fighting back was just going to turn him on more, so she decided to try the opposite tactic and forced herself to let her body go limp against him as she fought back another wave of nausea.

If Angelus felt like speaking he would've pointed out that she was betting on the wrong guy to not have a fetish for girls who were limp and/or unconscious. But he felt this was better explained by making the kiss deeper, and twisting the hand on her breast.

Okay, so, apparently not discouraging him at all, Veronica realized.

She winced involuntarily at the pain radiating from her breast.

Angelus gave a growl of appreciation. He did so love a good wince.

Veronica was definitely scared now. She had no idea how she would be able to get out of this alive.

And if he raped her, would she even want to?

Maybe sensing her ambivilance, Angelus pressed in closer.

When he pressed in closer, one of Veronica's arms dropped and her fingertips brushed the pocket of her jeans. She realized that she still had her taser and that Angelus likely didn't realize she was armed.

Pushing down her revulsion, she came up with a plan. It probably wasn't a very good plan, but it was better than doing nothing.

Instead of fighting him or letting him do whatever he wanted, she tried to take control of the kiss.

Oh like he was going to turn that down. Angelus had never had a problem letting spirited blondes try to have their way with him, and he sure as heck wasn't going to start having a problem with it now.

It disgusted her to have to do this, but Veronica realized it was her only, albeit slim, chance of escaping this mess.

She reached out and rested one of her hands on Angelus's hip.

Angelus obligingly thrust forward.


Veronica's other hand swung forward, taser held at the ready and aimed directly at his crotch.

Angelus screamed, jerking away from her. "Son of a bitch!"

And that was about as much as he said since OW

Veronica didn't waste any time. The moment he was away from her, she was running out of the alley.

Angelus would've sworn, or made some comment, but, again: OW.

He'd get some kind of revenge later. When he could walk.

[Continued here]

[ooc: preplayed with notstakedyet and marsheadtilt No IC interaction possible, but OOC comments are love. WARNING: This post contains elements of non-con and could be disturbing or triggery. Please read with caution.]

angel, he's baaaaack

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