Saturday Afternoon - the alley near Nolita and Wolfram & Hart

Nov 12, 2005 16:05

Veronica and Jaye walk into town and Veronica looks for the alley that Rory saw Marty run out of the night of Kitty's death.

[ooc: this isn't locked since it's in a public location - however - I would take it as a kindness if your characters wouldn't interfere with what Jaye & Veronica are going to find. If you'd like to interact with them before or after, that's fine, but please understand that they won't tell you what they're doing or why they're there. Also, the radio can broadcast that the girls were seen in town, lurking in dark alleys or whatever, but please don't mention that they found something - wouldn't want to tip a certain person off to Veronica's activities.]
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