Bones Finale

May 20, 2008 08:47

This actually started out as a response to a2zmom's much anticipated Bones post, but then I realized how long my response was getting so I just posted it to my journal so I wouldn't be a journal hog.

Thinky Thoughts )

bones, finale, meta

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Comments 20

sp23 May 20 2008, 13:51:22 UTC
While I've enjoyed Bones over the three years it's been on, it's never really been about Booth and Brennen. I've enjoyed the supporting cast so much more - Angela and Hodgins and Zack and now even Cam. Zack and Hodgins little contests to be King of the Lab, their weird experiments, Zack's naivete, all these things made the show enjoyable to me. Now the writers have pissed that all away on a poorly written and thought out episode.

I'm really not going to give them a pass because of the strike. If they couldn't come up with a satisfying conclusion for the Gorgomon plot, they should have, as you said, carried it over to next season. If Eric Millegan was out for next season, they should have let him take the bullet last week and die a heartbreaking death this week.


married_n_mich May 20 2008, 13:56:55 UTC
Yes, it is an ensemble cast. No doubt about it. Buffy was the same way IMO. It's all about the team and just one or two 'stars' wouldn't have carried it as long as it lasted.

Maybe he's not gone, gone. Maybe he'll be back. The difference being going to prison or the mental hospital. Once can get released from a mental hospital, right?


sp23 May 20 2008, 14:01:05 UTC
Yes, but his hands are gone, and there's no way he could get a security clearance now, so what good would he be? Plus, after this, I'd just as soon he be gone-gone and they bring in Clark Edison to replace him. I liked him enough that I was sorry when they actually brought Zack back from Iraq. *shrug*


married_n_mich May 20 2008, 14:07:31 UTC
I didn't think about the security clearance! Darn! Maybe an unofficial consultant from the looney bin. Heck if I know.

Clark would be a good choice.

And if they were going to do this all along, why bring him back from Iraq. Shrugging right there with you my dear.


enigmaticblues May 20 2008, 21:45:29 UTC
I'm right there with you. I don't think I hated the ep as much as a lot of people did, but then again, I have really warm and fuzzy feelings for Bones, and last week's episode was so amazing, I'm willing to give it a pass. I also wasn't quite as attached to Zack as some.

I did like the scene between Brennan and Zack at the hospital, that was really tender.


married_n_mich May 21 2008, 11:33:54 UTC
I didn't hate it. More disappointed than anything else.

Pretty much pushing everything to the side and waiting for next season.

Let's just hope the actors don't go out on strike ;-)


a2zmom May 21 2008, 02:40:26 UTC
I agree that the writer's strike screwed up the storylines they wanted to do, but that's no excuse. If you don't have time to properly lay the framework for the story you want to tell, don't do go there. That simple.


married_n_mich May 21 2008, 11:34:45 UTC
Sure sounds simple!

And being storytellers ourselves we would never deliver something halfa$$ed like that. We'd be too embarrassed.


cherrymmm May 21 2008, 05:30:39 UTC
I am a fan of Zack but I totally got the ending. His talk with Brennan when she was going over his faulty logic touched me. The poor boy. The DA was right, Gormagon went after someone week. I think I could have bought it more if the story was more fleshed out. But the damn strike screwed up everything this year ( ... )


married_n_mich May 21 2008, 11:35:35 UTC
*Hugs you*

You pointed out the positives!! and kept everything in perspective. Thanks for that.


cherrymmm May 21 2008, 19:13:59 UTC
You're welcome! *smooch*

All of my shows are ending in death and trauma this year so I am trying to look for the beauty of the storytelling in them instead of stressing over things that can't be changed. Although I am failing miserably with Dean in Hell. *shudders*


married_n_mich May 21 2008, 19:18:18 UTC
In regards to your fic?

I've crashed and burned! WAH!!!

I can't come up with something smutty and angsty.

I've got about 800 words and I'm stucko.


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