Title: Welcome to Jurassic Park Characters: Open. Location: Tropical Prehistoric-era Jungle Summary: Aerith stumbles through the jungle searching for someone. Anyone. Rating: G
Now Cloud expected this place to be different than his hometown, by far of course. But this was ridiculous. Dinosaurs? Weren't they extinct? Why were they here and what happened to his house? This all was making the blonde's head hurt. And it didn't help to have his cell phone vibrating in his pocket. With a grunt he tugged it out once he did a look over of the area, hiding behind a huge leaf. Flipping it up, he read the message, a blonde eyebrow raising up. He'd come across somewhere of that description.
So with a sigh, Cloud made his way back. And it wasn't easy. He ducked and ran from places, a few animals chasing him at times. They were too small to be dinosaurs, at least thats what he thought. His lean body slumped against a tree, panting heavily. "God what did I do to deserve to find my way here?" he whined, turning to go behind the tree only to find a girl. His blue/green eyes blinked, clearing his throat. "Hey.."
Aerith jumped slightly. A person! Oh,thank goodness. and a rather good looking one,at that. Oh,she hoped her face wasn't going red.
"Ah!~ H-hello!" She couldn't stop the wide smile crossing her face as relief swept over her. She'd been alone long enough to start imagining things. Worst case scenarios. You know. The kind of things you start thinking when, oh say,you're six years old and you lose your mother for a second in Wal-Mart when she goes down the food aisle instead of the toy section. i'm going to die from starvation and no one will know where I am and mom will replace me with a robot and i'll get kidnapped and and and
But now she wasn't alone! Aerith mulled over the idea about hugging him, but opted out. He might've fled,or something, you really never know how people are going to react to these sorts of things, and then what? A million questions flooded in her head. "Um! Do you have any idea whatsoever where we are?"
To say that Cloud wasn't surprised was a lie. He kind of stumbled back some at the high excitement in the girl's voice but soon recovered after a few minutes. His blonde spikes stood proud, though a few of the tiny hairs did find their way to sticking to his head. "Actually, no. All I know is, I'll never watch the movie Jurassic Park ever again." he frowned, tugging the bottom of his shirt up to wipe at the sweat on his forehead. He let out a yelp though, jumping over to Aerith when he felt something wrap around his foot. "Fuuck, I wanna go home!" he sighed, shaking his foot to get the (alive?) vine from around his ankle.
"Know anywhere we can go that we won't get..eaten?"
Aerith's eyes were wide as saucers as the..plant..er,thing lashed around the bramble, hissing with rage about it's lost meal,no doubt and disappeared into a tree. A shiver crawled down her spine like a plate-sized prehistoric spider.
The girl pursed her lips thoughtfully, her hands clasped in front of her. "Hmmm," she mused, eyeing a mushroom that seemed to be crawling down the tree behind Cloud. "To be honest,I haven't really checked out the area. Just plants, nasties, and more plants." Her shoulders slumped. "But! I suppose we could keep searching a little more. Maybe we're not the only ones here."
Comments 25
So with a sigh, Cloud made his way back. And it wasn't easy. He ducked and ran from places, a few animals chasing him at times. They were too small to be dinosaurs, at least thats what he thought. His lean body slumped against a tree, panting heavily. "God what did I do to deserve to find my way here?" he whined, turning to go behind the tree only to find a girl. His blue/green eyes blinked, clearing his throat. "Hey.."
"Ah!~ H-hello!" She couldn't stop the wide smile crossing her face as relief swept over her. She'd been alone long enough to start imagining things. Worst case scenarios. You know. The kind of things you start thinking when, oh say,you're six years old and you lose your mother for a second in Wal-Mart when she goes down the food aisle instead of the toy section.
i'm going to die from starvation and no one will know where I am and mom will replace me with a robot and i'll get kidnapped and and and
But now she wasn't alone! Aerith mulled over the idea about hugging him, but opted out. He might've fled,or something, you really never know how people are going to react to these sorts of things, and then what?
A million questions flooded in her head.
"Um! Do you have any idea whatsoever where we are?"
"Know anywhere we can go that we won't get..eaten?"
Aerith's eyes were wide as saucers as the..plant..er,thing lashed around the bramble, hissing with rage about it's lost meal,no doubt and disappeared into a tree. A shiver crawled down her spine like a plate-sized prehistoric spider.
The girl pursed her lips thoughtfully, her hands clasped in front of her. "Hmmm," she mused, eyeing a mushroom that seemed to be crawling down the tree behind Cloud. "To be honest,I haven't really checked out the area. Just plants, nasties, and more plants." Her shoulders slumped. "But! I suppose we could keep searching a little more. Maybe we're not the only ones here."
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