Associated Content (in the Yahoo! Family) had a writing assignment where I got 500 words to tell about "My Favorite Author". I chose my favorite to be David B. Coe and you can read about why here:
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I need to learn to stop reading about how to write and actually START WRITING! If only I could borrow Faith Hunter's muse for a little bit. I need to be whipped back into my writing chair.....
So official version 5 of Altar of Heaven has begun. I currently sit at 6,000 words. I estimate it to run to about 70,000 purely based upon the length of version 4. That means I am about.... 8% done. Nice
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So I just chucked over 500 words from Altar of Heaven Redux. It might seem a lot to many writers but to me it is a lot. I could feel the story being drawn down the wrong path. It just felt "wrong". Does the fact that I can catch me veering off plot mean I am growing as a writer? I hope so. :)
Well, the Asimov story failed once again but I got a better feeling from the response. I think I will shelve it, revise it, and then try it somewhere else
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It has been about 5 1/2 weeks since my submission to Asimov's. They estimate on their website 4-6 weeks for a desicion so maybe going a bit long is a good thing? I hope so. We will see. :)
Just recieved the galley of the anthology "How the West was Wicked" which my short story appears. This is my first galley to review and I think it is exciting! This is my first opportunity to see the whole anthology take shape and see how my story fits into it
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