38: tell us about your pet peeves!JFC, I don't have all night to go over all that stuff! It's almost easier to put down what I'm OKAY with. A small sampling of my pet peeves: people who smack their gum and/or food, when the animals lick themselves in that really "wet" way, pen clickers, people who don't use their blinkers when driving, people who
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Comments 15
Although I did feel bad one time, because I was far enough not to hear everything, and I shot the woman a few "are you fucking kidding me?" glances. Then I realized she was actually having a problem with her food stamps, so had an actual reason for the delay. But she was laughing and joking (maybe she felt awkward?) so I just assumed. :( I really hope she didn't notice my "are you kidding me?" look and think I was judging her. (I would never judge someone for that. I would judge them for holding people up, but not if there were an actual reason!)
Sorry for all the edits, I tried that quick edit thing and pressing enter sends the comment.
I hate when a good lunch gets ruined! :( I've done that before. One time I accidentally cooked something for ten minutes instead of one minute, and ran out so I didn't notice. Oops.
I love self-checkout but I hate that I love it because I know the more popular it becomes the fewer jobs there are for real people. :\
I know that many have been waiting for an actual film adaptation, since we only have the television miniseries which, while good in its own right, was quite restrictive on what it could do. I do hold a fondness for the miniseries because despite its limitations it actually was good at creating a creepy atmosphere, and also Tim Curry as Pennywise will always be iconic. With any new adaptation that is coming out in recent years it's always a gamble. Will it be good, decent, or just flashy with no real substance?
The trailer does look good, I will say that. And you are right, the editing is absolutely spectacular to make it so, but there are many trailers out there that are well done when the actual movie itself is really mediocre at best. So there is no way of telling.
AHAHAHAHA! It JUST occurred to me who SK is in your comment. I thought you were referring to your partner or something, not the author. *facepalm*
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