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Comments 10

ericadawn16 April 5 2016, 06:21:30 UTC
Ugh, I hate keyboard shopping. I once went through a two week period where I went through 4 keyboards and what I discovered then is what still seems true today...Microsoft is the only keyboard brand that works. It's Microsoft and it's not like they're hurting for money or need more of it, but dammit...it's the only thing that works. I'm very hard on my keyboards so I also require wireless. My last keyboard actually lasted 6 and a half years...a record for me, lol.

If the world was ending tomorrow...well, it would be like a spoiler so I wouldn't actually believe it until it was already too late.

Now, if I only had 24 hours to live or something like that...I'd go to either Disney or Universal.


marishna April 5 2016, 07:44:25 UTC
It took me so long to get used to using the mac keyboard I ha because it didn't have a number pad or a delete button (only backspace) but now I miss it SO much. Plus it was a mac keyboard to use with my mac and I've had to learn new quick keys on this one, which super sucks because we use macs at work so I had consistency between home and work up until 2 weeks ago. :(


brunettepet April 5 2016, 13:56:48 UTC
What a drag about the new keyboard. Can't you return it and get another mac or is that too pricey an option?


marishna April 5 2016, 14:18:39 UTC
Unfortunately the Mac keyboards are about $70+ and this one was only $30. I think I'm going to be getting a new computer this year and with it I'll get a new keyboard so I'm not TOO worried but it's hella annoying unless I find a different way to type from the way I have for the past 20 years or so, LOL.


ragnarok_08 April 5 2016, 18:10:03 UTC
Ugh sorry about the keyboard :/

If the world was ending tomorrow, I would just try to spend time with my family as soon as possible.


1_rhiannon_1 April 5 2016, 18:13:56 UTC
See, I'd like to go the bad ass route, but I know I'd go out in the first wave of whatever the catastrophe is.

Ugh, that sucks about your new keyboard!


velvetwhip April 5 2016, 18:47:06 UTC
Sorry about the awful keyboard.



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