Special challenge

Apr 04, 2016 01:32

Welcome to ishadowhunters!

This community is for fans to crosspost icons they've made for the show, with the occasional icon challenge mixed in!

The first one is to create an icon for the community!

I finally managed to wrangle the layout for the community into submission, now we need an icon for the community!

• You may submit up to two icons - BUT! If you promote this community somewhere and provide a link/screencap you can enter an extra icon to bring your total to three. The promotion must be done before you submit your icons.
• Comment to this entry with your icons. Comments are screened.
• Regular LJ restrictions apply-- must be under 40kb and can be still or animated.
• Voting is anonymous and so your icons cannot be posted before the voting results have been posted.

The icons can be of anything on the show- characters or pairings included! The icons must be from the Freeform show Shadowhunters, however, not from the movie or anything related to the books. Bring your best representation of the show!

I have bumped the deadline for this challenge by a week because I haven't done enough promo yet. The countdown clock has also been updated!

Deadline: Sunday, April 10 17 at 11:59pm EST (Countdown)

!mod post, !special, !challenge

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