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Comments 18

velvetwhip April 4 2016, 07:50:27 UTC
I know WAY too much about my co-workers' bathroom habits.

You have my pity.



marishna April 6 2016, 05:54:51 UTC
It's sometimes interesting (to me?) because I know people by the way they enter the bathroom or how they walk or even how they pee (yeah, probably just me!). Deanne (from the text message), for instance, comes into the bathroom like a wrecking ball, as I call it. She's quick and if she needs to do a deuce she'll turn around and leave if she sees someone else in there, LOL.

TMI? Probably!


lycoris April 4 2016, 08:45:23 UTC
*cackles* Sounds like my coworker Chris, that does! Obviously, it runs with the name! :)

Do you have anything you can freeze the lasagna down in? Most of this stuff freezes really well and then you don't have to eat it all in a week, you can go "Oh, I fancy lasange tonight!" and whip one out of the freezer.

Losing all tabs is terrible. I feel your pain. :(


marishna April 6 2016, 05:52:38 UTC
Yeah, Chris is... an odd duck. She's pretty consistently someone the collective office winces at for various reasons. She's nice enough, I guess, but if I were trapped in a room with her for any length of time I'd slap the shit out of her and that has nothing to do with her bathroom habits or hygiene. She grates on my last nerves generally.

I froze a couple containers of the lasagna. I didn't want to because I didn't want to lose the containers and also I think it's going to sit there for a long time before it gets eaten and I'm afraid it'll get tossed eventually. For some reason when I make pasta like this somewhere in the cooking process I end up doing a 180 on it and eating it out of duty more than anything. I think it's smelling it for hours while it's cooking. :\


c_hrista April 4 2016, 12:25:37 UTC
oh my god I am so glad our bathroom at work is a single and I don't have to know what they say while pooping


marishna April 6 2016, 05:49:11 UTC
I would hope that most people don't talk to themselves very much in public bathrooms, singles or not. I don't think I do much talking to myself in the comfort of my own home whilst doing my business but I certainly don't mutter the things she does, LOL!


snogged April 4 2016, 12:25:59 UTC
I'm glad the lasagna mush worked out.


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marishna April 5 2016, 07:39:51 UTC
I saw your post on add_me and LOVED your hair. So jealous!


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marishna April 6 2016, 05:46:53 UTC
My job lets me get away with more than some (whatever colour streaks I want) but I don't know how well they'd appreciate doing my whole head, LOL.


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