True life bathroom humour

Apr 03, 2016 23:51

The woman I'm texting my friend about as a habit of coming into the bathroom and muttering to herself, making the weirdest fucking noises while doing her biz and other such neat and not at ALL off-putting things. The one advantage she's got over at least a couple other people I work with is that she actually washes her hands.

In conclusion? I know WAY too much about my co-workers' bathroom habits.

The lasagna mush turned out well. Little effort required on my part, aside from cooking the hamburger and then washing out the heavy giant crockpot bowl when I was done. I think part of me was expecting this AMAZING meal to come out of this but it's... lasagna. Didn't taste any different, LOL.

Now I have SO MUCH LASAGNA to eat. Which is the reason why I started making them in smaller containers and why it takes so long and here I am, at the same goddamn problem once again. I'll I'm gonna eat is this all week. :\ Because I'm nothing if not persistent as fuck.

I lost all of my main page tabs today. One tab had an issue and crashed the whole window, but not the entire browser so I couldn't just reopen the one window. I hard crashed the whole thing in hopes it would fix it but they were all lost. :( Our ancestors never predicted we'd have such hardship as they worked so hard for their future generations...

ishadowhunters is open and ready to go! I'm going to hold a challenge for the official comm icon and maybe mix in some other icon challenges, too, just to keep it interactive, I guess. I have no idea if there are any other Shadowhunters icon comms, like challenges or anything. Spread the word!

tv shows: shadowhunters, life: grownup job!, life: food, life: technology, life: pictures, fandom: communities, life: friends

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