
Apr 02, 2016 23:54

Today was GORGEOUS. SO warm and the wind I was worried about wasn't that bad at all. Some douche even had his sprinklers going (there's still a risk of frost, brainiac) so I had to walk the dog in the road so we wouldn't get wet.

Walked to the store, as well, so I did about 3kms today in total. May not be much to some but I'm trying to build my stamina up and work up to a jog. When I was going to the gym almost every day I was running and working on one of those "couch to 5k" programs but all that progress is long-gone.

I watched Terminator Genisys (Genysis? Whatever) and it was tuuuurrrrrrible. Unnecessarily confusing and so far removed from the original movies.

I'm currently rewatching Shadowhunters, trying to pay more attention to it than I did in the beginning. The pilot was still laughable but it wasn't as bad as the first time I watched it. Now that I see the improvement I can forgive some of its sins, although the opening is STILL so so bad. With Izzy's wig and the jumping/leaping and Clary being... well, Clary. Has Izzy's whip/lasso thing made much of an appearance in recent episodes? It doesn't seem so. I hope that after the events of the most recent episode that Alec stops being so boringly stick-up-the-ass-y.

While trying to track down some comms to get layouts for ishadowhunters I also trimmed down my flist a little. The majority were people who haven't updated since fall of 2015, at the earliest (found one person I was still following who hadn't updated since 2013 sometime, yikes!) but I also removed some people who I haven't had much connection or interaction with, just an fyi.

Tomorrow I'm going to make a lasagna mush. I have three boxes of no-cook noodles and a need to make a lasagna but I didn't want to go to the hassle of layering everything so precisely. I don't like to make big pans anymore because I'll eat it until I'm SO sick of it so instead I was buying the small tin containers to make individual lasagnas but it's so time-consuming. Instead, I'll cook the meat, throw everything in the slow cooker and hope for the best.

What do you put in your lasagnas when you make them? I'm anti-mushroom and peppers so I usually only add spinach as a veg (I've also been down the zucchini-in-lasagna route and was SO disgusted). Anyone have any other suggestions?

tv shows: shadowhunters, life: health, fandom: de/friending, movies: 2016, life: food, life: 2016

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