Let's start this month off properly, shall we?

Apr 01, 2016 23:52

Next week will suck for me at work but it's Friday right now and the start of the month so fuck it, right now I'm posting happy things.

--> You guys must have heard about that dog that did the maternity photoshoot, right?

I CAN'T with this photo of her after she had her puppies! She's SO DAMN PLEASED WITH EVERYTHING.

--> I'm officially in my last month of bankruptcy! This time next month I'll be submitting my final budget paper thing and I'll be free and clear of my student loan! Next I'll be rebuilding credit but I don't have any plans to borrow money or buy anything that requires credit until next year (car lease) so I'll have time to prepare for that.

--> It's supposed to get up to 20+ tomorrow! It'll be windy as shit but it'll be warm and hopefully mainly sunny.

--> A month from now will be the start of another Merry Month of Masturbation. I think I'll post an entry asking for some prompts to give me something to go on for inspiration. I did really well last year but I was definitely running on empty at the end of it. I guess you could say I... shot my wad.

--> I have no idea how to find anything on LJ anymore in terms of comms and things and I guess I'm about 80% over the line into Shadowhunters (although only the TV show and it PAINS me to like this show because of all the CC drama and what a less-than-nice person she is) so I created an icon comm for it, ishadowhunters. The name is too long for it to be anything else, LOL. I don't know if there's an abbreviation for the show but SH is Sleepy Hollow for me (anyone still watching that, btw? I basically forgot about it once I quit it after the midseason return) so I made do with what I could. I'll be setting it up this weekend but feel free to join!

tv shows: shadowhunters, life: money, fandom: challenges

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