Let's start this month off properly, shall we?

Apr 01, 2016 23:52

Next week will suck for me at work but it's Friday right now and the start of the month so fuck it, right now I'm posting happy things.

--> You guys must have heard about that dog that did the maternity photoshoot, right?

I CAN'T with this photo of her after she had her puppies! She's SO DAMN PLEASED WITH EVERYTHING.

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tv shows: shadowhunters, life: money, fandom: challenges

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Comments 16

velvetwhip April 2 2016, 08:33:10 UTC
I am so glad you are almost done with bankruptcy.

That dog is so adorably proud!



xfirefly9x April 2 2016, 08:33:42 UTC
Dawwww, that puppy + puppies. ♥


luna_shovegood April 2 2016, 11:59:43 UTC
Oh my goodness. That dog is so happy. Both her maternity and puppy photoshops are beautiful, she looks like she's smiling all the time.

So awesome that you're in your last month of bankruptcy. :D

I'm pretty rubbing at using lj's search function so usually I plumb it into google and hope it matches me with what I want.


denorios April 2 2016, 12:58:02 UTC
Awww, look at the proud mamma!


brunettepet April 2 2016, 13:46:56 UTC
That dog is so photogenic. Her pregnancy photo shoot is wonderful.

Congratulations on almost being done with your bankruptcy.


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