what a weekend

Jun 14, 2015 23:50

Friday was already going to be a busy day for me since I had work, physio, chuckwagon races and then Jurassic World. Turns out it was still a busy day but for far different reasons ( Read more... )

life: alberta, movies: reviews, life: weather, life: 2015, life: summer 2015, life: friends

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Comments 10

aravishermione June 15 2015, 14:54:08 UTC
DAY-UM girl!!!! I do not know how you guys deal with weather like that. I mean, California is great 99% of the time and every once in a while we have a massive earthquake. Those are always a bit scary. BUT crazy ass storms and hurricanes and tornadoes scare the CRAP out of me!! I'd just live in a basement and never come out.

And dude, no internet is the worst.


marishna June 17 2015, 03:30:01 UTC
We don't get storms like this very often and this wasn't a tornado or anything, although we are in an area where warnings pop up for them every summer. The whole storm from start to finish was maybe 45 minutes but the winds were recorded at about 116kms/hr which is what caused all the damage. We get hail semi-frequently in the summer because of the extreme dry heat we have and how that counters with the cooler air coming off the mountains & stuff.

The lightning storms are AWESOME out here because of the heat. I never used to like them back home in NB, across the country, because we would get brutal thunder, so loud that it would shake my bed at night and the storms cycled around all night long. Here I've seen the sky go green and purple and chain lightning flash for hours across the skyline.


matchboximpala June 16 2015, 01:30:37 UTC
It is just tragic when the power goes out. It happened to me a short while back and luckily I had my phone and an external charger. But it felt pretty bizarre in the dark.

A friend whose power also went out told me she ended up talking to her neighbors during the outage, and one of them -- an elderly lady -- told her she called the police (not just the police, the EMERGENCY line -- 911) when it happened. Seriously? What did she think the police were going to do?


marishna June 17 2015, 04:17:59 UTC
I've heard brutally stupid 911 recordings before and I can't possibly even begin to suggest what goes through people's minds when they do that. Maybe it's easier than looking up the non-emerg number? I credit it to a severe dumbing down in our culture as a whole. That or people have FAR easier lives than the rest of the world. :(


clay_chaz June 16 2015, 22:13:18 UTC
i HATE when i have the windshield wipers up at full and i still can't see. especially on the freeway. and then you add wind... glad you are okay! that is dangerous weather to be driving in.


marishna June 17 2015, 04:21:24 UTC
It rains so infrequently here that I usually don't have to worry about it. I would rather drive in a blizzard than the rain, though, I think too many people underestimate the rain.


clay_chaz June 19 2015, 02:29:12 UTC
yeah, rain can definitely be as dangerous (or more) than snow. especially if it hasn't rained in a while and there's all the oil on the road.


raktajinos June 17 2015, 02:55:16 UTC
flip flops *are* awful when wet!! I only wear them when I'm in the shower at the gym or at the pool....so they're wet. Yay. I live on the edge of danger, what can I say. What are you in physio for?

Damn that weather!! Also, you live in Alberta?! I'm in Ontario. High five for Canadian LJ friends (I swear they're all in Sweden or the US lol). And ooo, chuckwagons! I've seen them a few times. I sadly sadly live in the rural part of Ontario that likes truck pulls more than the ponies.


marishna June 17 2015, 05:31:40 UTC
I hate when my feet get wet in general but when I have to stay in wet shoes, ho matter what kind they are, it's the EVEN MORE WORSTEST. Plus every day flip flops get funky once they're wet. :| Shower shoes are always clean (LOL) so they don't count. I lived in an apartment for three years in uni that I wore my shower shoes in. Yee.

I AM in AB! Been out here 9 years now, after living in NB for my whole life. I think if I'd lived out here growing up I probably would have been in 4H or something. I LOVE the rodeo and stampede and stuff, which I never expected to when I came out here. We definitely don't have anything like that back in NB!


raktajinos July 4 2015, 03:37:22 UTC
oooo NB. The east coast is my favourite place on earth. I've never been out to the west coast, but I want to do a road trip/train ride from coast to coast to coast across canada at some point.

What made you move from NB to Alberta?


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