what a weekend

Jun 14, 2015 23:50

Friday was already going to be a busy day for me since I had work, physio, chuckwagon races and then Jurassic World. Turns out it was still a busy day but for far different reasons.

By the time I left work for the day to go to physio a storm had whipped up, quite a brutal one. There were weather warnings going off and thunder and lightning, etc. I called ahead to the stampede office to see if the chucks would still happen and they said yes but I was like, "uh, okay." Here's the wiki for the chuckwagons for anyone confused. Basically the conditions can already be a little dangerous for some of the horses in great conditions, if it rains and the track gets muddy they DO NOT hold the races.

ANYWAY. So off to physio I go. I got to the back door at work, saw it was downpouring and the wind was pretty wild so I took my flip flops off and made a run for it. Flip flops are the devil's footwear when they get wet and I drive barefoot anyway so I just shoved them in my purse.

The drive was a little edgy but nothing I couldn't handle. You could feel the wind really blowing the cars about when waiting at lights and my wipers were on full at times from the splashback from other vehicles. When I turned onto the street I take to my physio's office there were branches all across the street, which was my first real indication that this wasn't a normal storm like we get. Here in AB, or at least in the town I'm in, there's a saying, "Don't like the weather? Wait 5 minutes" because that's literally how quickly the weather changes here.

When I got to the office the wind was so strong it knocked me against my car and I got my sweater caught in the closed door so I fumbled a bit before sprinting for the door, again barefoot. One of the front desk girls met me there with the door open. My physiotherapist saw me from inside and was like, "I think that's Erin and I think she's barefoot", lol.

By the time I got home after my appointment the sun was out again but the sky was still a little funny looking. The sudden storm also really shifted the temp and it was chillier after, with steam rising from the streets. Found out once I checked twitter that there was hail all over, ranging from little to dime/quarter sized. Luckily I don't have any damage on my car.

Got home and realized the power was off. :| The power RARELY goes out here, thanks to underground lines. I never realized how awesome that was until the power went out and stayed out and I had NO IDEA HOW TO COPE WITH THAT. Like, thank god it wasn't cold or whatever, right, but seriously. I LIVE AND BREATHE BY THE INTERNET. How in the FUCK do I deal with no power? I also had to post my fullmoon_ficlet story but that didn't happen until way later, thanks to the mod giving me the clear to do so.

ANYWAY. Went out for supper since we had no power, went to iHop for the first time since it opened here. It was okay. Chuckwagons did get postponed to Monday night. Safety first. My mom was happy about that because she didn't really want to go after all but the thing is that I get tickets to stampede events through work which we're given so if they're not used it looks bad on the company and my boss.

SO THEN I sat outside in a camp chair, with my hood up on my hoodie and basically stalked the city tag on twitter to get updates on when the power would be fixed. I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO. How in the hell did I cope with shit before the internet/twitter/my phone?! I've become one of those people, LOL.

D, my immediate co-worker, texted me and we went off to the mall to kill time before the movie which worked for me. Then we waited in line, holding down our places (my movie group has a weird thing about being first in line and getting the back row for movies). By the time the movie was (mercifully) over the power was back on in my are of the city, YAY! We were one of the last because a tree fell on our feeder.

If anyone cares I reviewed Jurassic World here. It's not a positive review.

Saturday I went to D's for the afternoon/evening and met with another co-worker and we drank and watched the hockey game, talked and ate and played board games until almost midnight. Black hole Saturday, indeed. It was a nice, relaxed, calm time. I usually have a hard time going to other people's houses or having two nights in a row of "stuff" but this weekend has been good for me, probably because there wasn't much actually planned or going on.

This morning the power was out again when I woke up. Another tree on the feeder but this one was fixed within an hour of it falling. Friday night so MUCH of the city was out of power that it took longer for the workers to get everything done. It's crazy how much damage the city sustained from the storm on Friday. Trees are down everywhere, uprooted and tipped over. Branches scattered everywhere, cars with hail damage or with damage from falling trees/branches. No harm to anyONE, though, so that's good. I never realized how many people in this city had chainsaws until just after the storm and I heard them all over the hill, cleaning up after the mess. Our property had no damage, whew.

So yeah. Long winded here and nothing of real value but there was a lot going on these past few days!

life: alberta, movies: reviews, life: weather, life: 2015, life: summer 2015, life: friends

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