MMoM: Day 5

May 06, 2015 01:13

Okay, socially responsible post done, let's porn!

So put it on me (3/3)
Stiles/Derek, NC-17, 3200-ish words
Aftermath of bodyswap between Stiles & Derek
For Day 4 of mmom
Part 1: Now if we're talking body
Part 2: You got a perfect one

They pretended nothing happened.

Not the body swap, no. That was all anyone in the pack could talk about for weeks after it happened.

Stiles and Derek absolutely refused to speak about anything that happened while they were body swapped for those, roughly, 36 hours. Stiles knew Derek poked around his room and in his computer browser history. Derek knew Stiles ate in the Toyota, put a hole in the sleeve of his leather jacket and flirted with the girl at the drive thru at McDonalds.

They both knew the other explored their temporary bodies.

They both knew there was a new level of familiarity between them.

They both knew things were different now.

Problem was, they both knew.


The witch situation was dealt with fairly easily, in the end. Scott tracked her down while using it as a training exercise for Liam. Turns out she was a kid, no older than the youngest werewolf, and she was looking for safe haven after running away from her family who were less than accepting of her abilities.

Scott, ever the soft hearted for the underdog, took her back to Deaton's to plead her case. Stiles was less than happy when he arrived and growled once he heard her story, becoming a little too comfortable accepting Derek's mannerisms.

But even he couldn't deny that she needed a safe place to stay, even if only for a short time. Or that he compared her immediately to Rogue in his head and that made him kind of like Wolverine and damn, that was cool.

"Only," he added as a condition, while Derek stood at the back of the exam room and watched warily. "If you change us back right away."

"Oh, that," Lillian, the witch, said with a laugh. "I just needed a distraction to find somewhere to hide. It'll wear off by midnight tonight. I use a lot of elemental magic in my spells so it has to do with the power of the moon cycle and it plays off the emotions of the target. Didn't realize I was in werewolf country so it worked a little better than I thought it would."

"What do you mean?" Derek asked, stepping forward for the first time.

"Well, werewolves have a cycle dependant on the moon. Um, like you're all aware, duh," Lillian said with a nervous giggle. "So if we were closer to the full moon the spell could have lasted longer or been more intense."

"Intense how?" Stiles asked.

"I don't like to use my magic to manipulate people around me often so I don't like to play with extremes like love or hate. Things get out of control too quickly that way. So I like to target the spell caster and what would be, perhaps, the most awkward? I can't necessarily pinpoint the cause of the awkwardness, if that makes sense. But it's a relatively innocent emotion but coupled with a body swap it can cause enough distraction to do the job."

Scott looked confused, then glanced between Stiles and Derek. "Huh?"

Stiles felt his cheeks warm up, understanding exactly what Lillian was talking about. At 18 Stiles was considered an adult but his body didn't necessarily get that memo when he was around Derek or Derek just happened to pop into his thoughts at times. Knowing the werewolf could smell certain things made the past few years incredibly... yes, awkward for Stiles, and he thought he'd worked hard at keeping those things under wraps.

His crush on Derek made them a target, basically.

"So we wait it out until the quarter moon, huh? Sounds good. Derek, I'll go to the loft to wait, you go to my house. By midnight we'll be fixed," Stiles said quickly and hightailed it out of the clinic.

Hopefully they'd never talk about this again.

Yeah, right.


Derek waited for a week after their bodies were switched back for Stiles to come stumbling back through the door to the loft.

He waited for nothing.

Derek wasn't deaf, dumb and blind. He was well aware of Stiles' attraction to him but he'd been dealing with it since he met the kid when he was more spastic and annoying. Since then they'd fallen into a good pattern, one that worked for them and the pack as a whole. He trusted Stiles.

Made him do the spell in his loft on his wood floors, for fuck's sake, Derek thought, as he looked over at the char marks that would probably be there forever now.

The witch didn't do anything malicious to them, just tried to look after herself with the only skills she had. She even tried to do it in the least harmful way possible, although nothing was foolproof with magic, of course. But Derek couldn't fault her for trying. Truth be told he felt kind of protective of her, wanted to take her in.

Kind of like Wolverine in X-Men with Rogue, Derek thought randomly.

None of it explained why Stiles wasn't back to his usual self yet, though. It was embarrassing, sure. Derek couldn't get into the Toyota without being overwhelmed by the smell of his own come inside, so he immediately knew what Stiles did. Not that he could say anything, either.

Was Stiles upset that he'd used Stiles' body? Was he angry with Derek now?

The thought snapped at Derek's heels as he paced, finally able to walk the loft in the right count again. He didn't feel like he was going to trip over anything as he stepped, didn't have to stare down at Stiles' fucking hands anymore.

He knew how it felt to be Stiles' body now, but not... not on it. Or in it, that way. To feel Stiles' hands on him. Would it feel different than Derek remembered using them on himself when he was in Stiles' skin?

"Jesus Christ," Derek muttered and grabbed his jacket as he hurried out of the loft.


Stiles laid on his bed in the dark, staring out the window as the last traces of sunshine disappeared behind the horizon. His dad was gone to work, left an hour before.

The body swap didn't simply go away. It was like wearing a pair of shoes for months, then a new pair just long enough to feel like they were comfortable, and going back to the old ones. They fit. They were fine. But they still felt weird, even after a short time in a different pair.

"Shitty analogy," Stiles mumbled to himself.

Stiles felt like he was in a funk, something he couldn't shake. As soon as he was back in his own body he'd torn through his room and changed his sheets, flipped the mattress, washed the fucking pillows, even. Did all his laundry from the hamper in the bathroom.

Found the shirt Derek "spilled" on the first night.

It was perverse but he'd wanted to keep it, as if it was Derek who actually came on that shirt and stuffed it under everything else like a shameful memory. He knew how his body reacted to the slightest stimuli, how Derek probably had no other option but to get off just to function right.

He couldn't stand the thought of Derek looking at him differently now, less of him.

He didn't want to be the annoying guy who had no chance with the hot guy and made a fool out of himself with a stupid crush. Couldn't bear to see that uncomfortable look on Derek's face.

And just like clockwork, Stiles' cock twitched at the mere thought of Derek. Stiles groaned and turned his head to smash his face into his pillow.

"You okay?"

Stiles let out a muffled yell and jerked off the bed, rolling over the side so he had to peer back over to see if-yep. That was Derek. Derek was in his room. Apparently used the door and stairs like a normal person.

Progress, woo.


"Yep! M'fine!" Stiles called out and flipped onto his ass, facing away from Derek. "Thanks for checking, you can go now."

He listened as Derek hesitated in the doorway, could hear him breathing louder than normal. "A-are you sure?"

Stiles turned to look over his shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want me to leave?" Derek gestured to the door.

Part of pack training was learning doublespeak to throw off any potential threats from other werewolves looking for lies but Stiles was never good at it. And he didn't want to lie to Derek.

"No," he replied softly. Derek took a couple slow steps into the room and sat on the far corner of Stiles' bed.

"You hiding from me?" Derek asked.

"What would give you that idea?" Stiles asked sarcastically. Derek sat stiffly while Stiles watched him warily out of the corner of his eye. He fidgeted with the hem of his track pants and wondered how long he'd have to wait this out.

"Come on, Stiles, it's not that big a deal!" Derek finally exclaimed, twisting his body to face him.

"Maybe not to you," Stiles said as he flipped around on his knees and scowled at Derek. "The witch didn't use your feelings against another person in one of the worst, most intrusive ways possible."

"No, but it turned out okay. It's fine, we're fine, right?" Derek asked, sounding almost desperate as he stared hard at Stiles. But Stiles looked away and played with the bedspread under his fingers.

"We're fine," Stiles replied softly.

"Fuck you!" Derek exploded. "Don't tell me what I want to hear!" He rose and stormed around the side of the bed to grab Stiles by the shoulders, hauled him up and held him so he could stare at him in the face. "Tell me the truth!"

"I've fought too hard for you to go back to thinking of me as a stupid kid who can't do anything right!"

Derek blinked and loosened his grip but didn't let Stiles go. "I don't think that."

Stiles scoffed. "Yeah, right. It was my fucking crush that got us into that whole mess to begin with! It's ridiculous!"

"To have a crush on me?" Derek asked in a quiet tone.

"I didn't want shit to go wrong between us. I've been dealing with this on my own for a while and now you know and I can't stand you looking at me like I'm that same kid from when we first met and you couldn't stand me." Stiles couldn't even look at Derek by the time he finished speaking but Derek tipped his head up and forced him to.

"You're so stupid," Derek growled and then he was kissing Stiles, really kissing him with his huge hands on Stiles' face and his beard rasping against Stiles' skin and wow.


Stiles being ashamed he had a crush on Derek would have been the worst thing Derek could have possibly heard at that moment. He felt his stomach start to drop like it was on a roller coaster before Stiles kept talking and explained he had his own hangups. Ones that made Derek's vision go red because he'd proven himself so much more than just a kid getting in the way.

He wasn't good with explaining things like Stiles was and, honestly, his response wasn't as eloquent as anything Stiles could have offered anyway. So he spoke through actions.

Stiles seemed surprised for about three seconds when Derek started kissing him and then he was grabbing at anything he could get his hands on. He was clutching at Derek's jacket, working his fingers under the hem of his t-shirt, trying to push the leather off, skimming his fingertips around Derek's waist to drag up his back, drawing a full body shudder from him.

"Jesus, Stiles," Derek gasped into his mouth and Stiles took that opportunity to bite lightly at Derek's bottom lip before soothing it with his tongue and slipping it in. Derek groaned at the bold move and opened his mouth deeper, licking in return at Stiles' mouth, drawing in the taste of him.

"Will you do something for me?" Derek asked, pulling away once he felt Stiles' hardening cock start to thrust against his hip.

"Anything," Stiles murmured back. Then he paused and drew back a little. "Wait, I could get in trouble saying something like that in this town. Anything with caveats."

Derek laughed, but then his eyes darkened with want as he thought about what he wanted to ask Stiles. He pushed Stiles around so he kneeled on the bed in front of Derek, face open from wonderment.

"I want to watch you come," Derek said, voice gruff. He could feel his cheeks warm as he spoke but Stiles was nothing if not an all-or-nothing guy and it was time to show he could be too, at times.

Stiles' mouth dropped open. "Like..."

"I want to watch you get yourself off. I didn't know what would work best for you so I want to see you do it, see what it looks like. I want to watch you come all over yourself because I'm pretty sure my eyes were half closed for most of it," Derek said in a rush. Stiles closed his eyes and cursed, then licked his lips while he stared up at Derek.

"You too, then." And Derek's heart gave a painful thump. "Tit for tat. Or ding for dong," Stiles said with a snort, earning a light cuff on the head from Derek. But he let his jacket fall to the floor slowly and Stiles' eyes opened wide.

He scrambled back on the bed, making room for both of them. He stripped his shirt over his head, and was out of his track pants quickly, but waited for Derek to do what became a slow striptease as he toed off his shoes and unbuttoned his pants, then dragged the bottom of his t-shirt up while following with his other hand, flicking over his nipples as they were exposed.

He could hear Stiles' breathing get heavier and a quick glance saw Stiles' cock already straining in his boxers and Derek could smell the precome starting to bead at the tip. Derek massaged his nipples with two fingers on both hands, then flicked them, sending a jolt directly to his cock, and let his head tip back with a groan.

He finally pulled the t-shirt over his head and let it drop to the floor, then smoothed his hands back down his chest and torso, letting his fingertips dip just under the waistband of his jeans. Stiles was shifting on the bed, pressing the heel of one hand to the base of his cock while his eyes never left Derek's body.

"I think I went about this all wrong when I did it," Stiles said in a hoarse voice, and Derek laughed, low and deep. The sound seemed to affect Stiles because he closed his eyes, bit his bottom lip and the scent of Stiles' leaking cock was getting stronger.

Derek drew his attention back with the sound of him slowly unzipping his jeans, letting the sides fall open to reveal that he wasn't wearing anything underneath. Stiles whined and started to edge forward on the bed but Derek held out a hand.

"This is about watching, remember?" Derek warned.

"This is about killing me slowly," Stiles replied, whining. But he stayed where he was.

Derek rocked his hips a little, shimmying as carefully as he could to ease the jeans down over his own hard cock that was shiny with precome down the shaft. He let his jeans drop to the floor and kicked them backwards, then kneeled carefully at the end of Stiles' bed.

"Now you," Derek said in a rough tone, nodding to Stiles' boxers.

Stiles might have considered trying to do his own stripping routine but he was too far gone from the sound of his beating heart and harsh breathing. He sat back on his pillows and shoved them over his ass and down his legs, tossing them in the same direction as Derek's jeans.

"Together?" Derek asked, reaching between his legs and palming his cock gently. He was already sensitive and it wouldn't take very long for him to come, not with Stiles literally panting for him with in an arm's length.

"It's gonna take me about two seconds," Stiles said with a laugh, gesturing to where his cock was hard and pressed against his lower abdomen, leaving a streak of wet where it rested. Derek could remember how his length felt hot and solid in his palm and how responsive it was to his every touch.

Derek's cock throbbed in response of the memory. He ran a hand down his own cock and groaned. Stiles was working his hand over his cock at the same time, staring at him between half-closed eyes.

Derek got an idea and leaned forward on the bed, dangerously close to Stiles, but he bypassed him and reached for the lube where it was stashed before. Stiles whined again in frustration but before he could complain Derek squirted some lube into his own hand and covered Stiles hand with his until their fingers were intertwined, sloppy and both working over his cock.

It didn't take more than a few strokes for Stiles' hips to start hitching and he grunted out a quick warning Derek didn't take. He was coming and shuddering, leaning against Derek's still-stretched out body and letting out soft, whining moans that Derek would play back for an eternity if he never got to experience this again.

He stroked Stiles until he gasped out for him to stop and pulled back with the bulk of Stiles' come in his own hand. Stiles slumped back on his pillows and watched as Derek used his hand full of Stiles' come and lube to work over his own shaft, using his other hand to play with his balls and squeeze them just enough to jolt Derek and send him growling into his own orgasm.

Stiles scrambled forward at the last second and opened his mouth, getting most of it in, on or around his mouth. If his refractory period was that good Derek was sure he would have come again immediately at the vision of Stiles messy and swallowing him down.

Derek grabbed Stiles up with his last surge of energy and moved them to face each other at the head of the bed so he could lick his mess from Stiles' face, while Stiles' tongue fought him for the remains, ending in a sloppy, shared come-filled kiss.


"That," Stiles started some time later. "Was ... was. Um... words." He was slumped half on top of Derek with his leg thrown across Derek's waist.

"Did I break you?" Derek teased, running one hand up and down Stiles' thigh while the other held Stiles' hand between them.

"You broke my brain," Stiles moaned. "You're going to have to take care of me for the rest of my life because I can no longer word. Pretty sure my legs are jelly now, too."

Derek laughed but said softly, "I'll tale care of you."

"I know," Stiles murmured.

"And because I want to and would be happy to. Even as friends," Derek continued, letting Stiles know-

"Or more than friends," Stiles interrupted his thoughts. He pressed kisses to Derek's upper arm, shoulder and collarbone, working his way to Derek's neck. "You're not getting rid of me now."

Derek nodded. "Okay."

"Sound good?"

"Sounds great."

fic: teen wolf, fandom: communities, teen wolf: fanfic, fandom: mmom, fandom: challenges

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