Advent Calendar: Day 10 for betty_mraz

Dec 10, 2012 23:34

I'm kinda really bummed that I forgot to post yesterday. It's always been a bit of a goal of mine to post every single day in one month on LJ and I thought that this month I might be able to do it, especially after the past couple years of posting so sparsely. Oh well. I'm still doing rally well ( Read more... )

life: computer, fandom: memes, life: christmas 2012

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Comments 2

betty_mraz December 11 2012, 16:27:25 UTC
Oh Erin! This is actually perfect. :D I've already put it as my wallpaper. Thank you so so much! ♥ you should totally give this show a shot, it's fabulous xD


clay_chaz December 13 2012, 03:26:15 UTC
i've only used firefox on a mac so i don't know how the other ones work. that's super frustrating. i've been using chrome on my PC laptop because firefox kept freezing and/or shutting down randomly. all the internet browsers seems to be glitching. :/


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