Advent Calendar: Day 10 for betty_mraz

Dec 10, 2012 23:34

I'm kinda really bummed that I forgot to post yesterday. It's always been a bit of a goal of mine to post every single day in one month on LJ and I thought that this month I might be able to do it, especially after the past couple years of posting so sparsely. Oh well. I'm still doing rally well!

Anyone else with an iMac ever have problems with torrents suddenly not downloading? I've tried a bunch of stuff- port forwarding, downloading a new client, rebooting my router... no dice. I know it's not my internet because I just booted up my laptop and lo, and behold, it's downloading like a mofo. I guess I can do that as an alternative when I want to grab shows but I know there's GOT to be a way around this bullshit.

On the topic of this new computer of mine- UGH! I mean, I like it, don't get me wrong. The 21.5" screen is reason enough to love it, but holy shit can it not handle what I put it through. Some of me wonders if it isn't Firefox that's slowing shit down. I have to reboot it a couple times a day, depending on what else I'm doing on my system. I've done the switch from FF to Chrome and back again because although Chrome is hot shit right now it's not all it's cracked up to be, but I just can't seem to find a browser that doesn't fuck up for me. I don't want to switch to Safari because, well, it's Safari and nothing fucking works with it.

For someone who always said I'd never buy a Mac I've definitely come a long way, but it wasn't necessarily because I WANTED the Mac. I thought it would stand up a bit better to how I work on computers and I REALLY don't want to switch to Windows 8. Like, I would take Vista over this bullshit. So the Mac seemed like a good idea but now I'm wondering if the money wouldn't have been better spent on a gaming system that's made to withstand more abuse.

I might just have our IT guy at work build me something because he knows his shit. I like to be up on what systems are good for what I need and the different processors and knowing shit before I go into a store so the sales guy can't try to sheister me but it's not my job and Dave is GOOD at what he does.

ANYWAY. Enough of that for now!

I have Advent things for betty_Mraz! I hope this is okay, bb, I wasn't 100% sure what to go with since I don't watch this show!

Day 1
Day 2
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

life: computer, fandom: memes, life: christmas 2012

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