Caps: Arrow 106 "Legacies" (1188), 1280x720 & other stuff

Nov 14, 2012 22:37

I don't know what it is about there being snow on the ground that turns people into raging shit-wizards with licenses but jesus christ can someone please learn to drive? I was about 20 minutes late for my doctor's appointment this morning because a) people can't fucking park and b) people can't fucking back up. I ended up throwing some barriers ( Read more... )

caps: arrow, life: health, tv shows: arrow, life: computer, fandom: memes, life: rants

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Comments 3

nikitas_lair November 15 2012, 20:32:34 UTC
Amazing screencaps as always. Thank you so much. I'll be downloading and also got the ones from Episodes 1-5. Thanks again :)


nikitas_lair November 15 2012, 21:55:59 UTC
Just wanted to let you know that Set1 is 47.5MB and Set2 I go this: 367 B No File, which means it didn't download. Hope it gets fixed, I might be something with LJ because there were issues yesterday with YouTube link postings and others.

Take Care


marishna November 16 2012, 03:59:43 UTC
It's all good, thanks for the heads up!


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