[Drabble] Quiet Affection

Feb 04, 2011 17:12

[Series]: Of Chocolate, Cards and other Valentine's Paraphernalia - Master Post
Characters]: Ishida Uryuu and Yasutora Chad
[Pairing]: Chad/Ishida
[Summary]: The Valentine Chad had never dare to hope would happen, happened.
[Word Count]: 250
[Done]: 03.February.2010
[Beta]: not beta-read
[Content/Warnings]: Fluff
[Rating]: PG
[Notes]: Set in Karakura High school on a perfectly normal Valentine's day; I like to think it was sometime before the whole "we have to help Ichigo save the Human and Soul world" but it could be during one of their 'down' times.
Not a pairing that I ever shipped but after seeing a few pics of them by yaoiismy (now imlikat), I felt like playing with them. If you have a y!Gallery account go check out her gallery, it's totally worth it ^___~

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Disclaimer: Do not own Bleach and will not make a profit out of this fic. All characters © Kubo Tite.

When Chad got to his desk in the home-room, it was to find it with a few cards and chocolates. He perused through them, finding one particular box of interest; it was handmade, or better yet knitted, and the chocolate inside was incredibly fragrant. Quite mouth-watering, in fact.

To the back of the room a group of girls giggled.

It suddenly struck Chad that he had seen bits and pieces of this box being made. And not once had it occurred to him who it was meant for, especially not for him. He looked for Ishida, finding him at his desk, paying close attention to the empty blackboard.

Not sure how to proceed, Chad sat at his desk and opened the offered chocolate box to taste the treats and found a folded paper saying, I like you. But then the teacher walked in and the class began.

All throughout the school day he tried to get Ishida's attention, but Ishida ignored all attempts, so in a rather bold move for Chad, he cornered the dark haired boy at the end of the day. His heart thumping madly, Chad showed him the valentine card he hadn't had the courage to give away. It read: I like you, with the word too, quickly scrawled next to it.

Ishida just nodded, a blush colouring his cheeks, probably just like Chad's - they felt warm enough for it - and they walked home together, too nervous for words but comfortable in the easy silence.

Next: Sweet Remembrances - Ikkaku/Yumichika - Just a peak at a quiet night between Yumichika and Ikkaku.

p:chad/ishida, [and other valentine's paraphernalia], !bleach, #fanfiction

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