[Drabble] It Didn't Turn Out So Bad

Feb 03, 2011 15:43

[Series]: Of Chocolate, Cards and other Valentine's Paraphernalia - Master Post
[Characters]: Ishida Uryuu and Kurosaki Ichigo. Mentions of Ishida Ryuuken, Kurosaki Karin, Kurosaki Yuzu and Matsumoto Rangiku
[Pairing]: IchiIshi
[Summary]: Left in the hands of their fathers and the twins it would've been much worse.
[Word Count]: 450
[Done]: 03.February.2010
[Beta]: not beta-read
[Content/Warnings]: AU | Fluff
[Rating]: PG
[Notes]: I like IchiIshi but I don't write them very often, I think I only wrote them twice, so decided to go for another try.
Future AU, in which there's peace and quiet and the boys have had time to grow up and pursue their goals in life aside from being the last remaining Quincy and Super Substitute Shinigami. They're in their late 20's, out of collage and with booming new careers; Ichigo went to Med School, following his father's footsteps and Uryuu is an up and coming new fashion designer, much to his father's chagrin:D Oh, and it's their wedding day.

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Disclaimer: Do not own Bleach and will not make a profit out of this fic. All characters © Kubo Tite.

Uryuu and Ichigo looked on, amused, at their friends and family - and the few strangers they'd been forced to invite - as the crowd joyously ate and drank to celebrate their nuptials.

"It didn't turn out so bad," Ichigo whispered into Uryuu's ear.

"No, but I could do without Matsumoto-san doing the hustle with my father's hospital administrators," Uryuu replied, watching a quite inebriated Matsumoto dancing, rather provocatively, with three of his father's bald, middle-aged, acquaintances.

"Your father made it very clear," Ichigo said, dropping his voice tone to one that mimicked his new father-in-law's and looking around to see if he was safe, "if you are going forth with this madness, my only son and heir isn't going to get married in the Kurosaki's backyard with a few dozen shinigami for witnesses."

Uryuu chuckled at the poor imitation and his eyes roamed the hall searching his father; he spotted Ryuuken elegantly dancing with Yuzu. Placing his hand on Ichigo's knee for comfort, he said, bitterly, "I'm thinking his acceptance of our marriage had more to do with our career choices and how, with you as his new heir, he'd have a perfectly coercible new son-in-law slash subordinate to mould into his view of a perfect Karakura Hospital Director to fill in the place of his wayward fashion designer son."

"Coercible, am I?" Ichigo said, too low on his throat, in a tone he knew would distract Uryuu; when his new husband relaxed against his side, his hand covered Uryuu's and he made for lighter conversation. "It wasn't me who gave in to Yuzu organizing all of this."

"The alternative was Karin breathing down my neck and making our life a living hell for not letting Yuzu organize the wedding," Uryuu replied.

"I'm just glad she agreed it would be best for you to design our suits; I dread to think what she would've come up with." Ichigo shivered.

"She surrendered to the evidence that I'm a trained designer," Uryuu said, his hand moving up Ichigo's leg from his knee, resting on his inner thigh. "Yuzu probably would have asked Rukia and Orihime for help."

"We'd be in pink and frilly lace," Ichigo said in a shocked voice while admiring his, quite sober, dark green tailcoat and Uryuu's velvet burgundy three piece suit.

Uryuu gave him a thoughtful look that made Ichigo flush but didn't say anything, so he thought it safe to put one arm around the shoulders of his dark-haired groom, whispering again, "it didn't turn out so bad."

"No, it didn't," Uryuu replied, his hand rising from the thigh to the face, his lips brushing against Ichigo's in a soft kiss.

Catcalls and wolf whistles filled the air.

Next: Quiet Affection - Chad/Ishida - The Valentine Chad had never dare to hope would happen, happened. up on Feb, 4th

[and other valentine's paraphernalia], p:ichigo/ishida, !bleach, #fanfiction

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