Mistletoe Kisses'08 - 2009 REDUX - Chapter 09

Dec 18, 2009 15:10

[Characters]: Kyouraku Shunsui, Ukitake Jyuushiro and Stark
[Pairings]: ShunUki
[Summary]: There's an Arrancar that can't seem to take his eyes off of Ukitake. Or is it Shunsui? Or both?
[Word Count]: 200 words
[Written]: January.2009
[Finished]: 18.December.2009
[Beta]: Not beta-read
[Notes]: Back to the crack and humour.
[Rating]: PG

«Chapter 08 ///  Chapter 10»

Disclaimer: Do not own Bleach and will not make a profit out of this fic. All characters © Kubo Tite

"There's this one Arrancar that keeps looking your way, Jyuushiro."

"Perhaps he's looking your way, Shunsui."

"Hmm, proly. It could be our way. Wouldn't that be interesting?"

"Indeed. Most interesting."

"I'm wondering if he likes sake? He looks like he knows how to enjoy a good bottle of the finest rice wine."

"You could just go and ask him. And while you're at it inquire as to whom was he looking at."

"Fine idea. Should I lead him back here or under some mistletoe?"

"You may do as you please."

"Hehehe, I love when you pout. You look so sexy, Jyuu-chan. Makes me want to kiss that pout away."

"Hmmm, unmmff..."

"Is he still looking?"

"Err... I have to say he looks even more interested."

"Does he know? Ever done it with an Arrancar, Jyuushiro? On second thought don't answer that."

"Well that whole extra hole should be fun to play with. Although, it does seem too wide. "

"I'm sure we can find an appropriate use for it."

"If anyone can it's you, Shunsui."

"I'm Kyouraku. He's Ukitake. Care to join us over a bottle of warm sake?"

"I don't see why not. This should be interesting. I'm Stark."

«Chapter 08 ///  Chapter 10»

[Byakuya/Hanatarou] - Byakuya performs a good deed.

«On one of the surveying sweeps of the room his eyes passed a small, black-haired Shinigami apparently being ignored near a branch of mistletoe. At first glance, Yamada Hanatarou, seemed to be simply observing the party eagerly, perhaps in search of a soul to kiss or be kissed by under the mentioned foliage, but on a more careful inspection, his face told of an alertness that was unexpected in the small Fourth Division officer.»

p:shunsui/ukitake, [mistletoe kisses'08], !bleach, #fanfiction

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