Mistletoe Kisses'08 - 2009 REDUX - Chapter 08

Dec 18, 2009 01:33

[Characters]: Ichimaru Gin, Hisagi Shuuhei, Kira Izuru and Tousen Kaname.
[Pairings]: Shuuhei/Kira; background Gin/Kira
[Summary]: The return of the traitor captains stirs emotions.
[Word Count]: ~1200 words
[Written]: January.2009
[Finished]: 18.December.2009
[Beta]: Not beta-read
[Warnings]: As usual when I write these cracky little things, one or two come out a bit more dark and serious, that's the case with this one. Angsty.
[Rating]: PG

«Chapter 07 /// Chapter 09»

Disclaimer: Do not own Bleach and will not make a profit out of this fic. All characters © Kubo Tite

Hisagi and Kira’s initial idea was spending most - if not all - of the party under the mistletoe following the very interesting tradition. To be truthful the main goal was to for them to kiss, mistletoe or no mistletoe, having little to no contact with outside influences. It wasn’t an easily achievable feat; people stopping by to greet them, friends stopping by to tease them; but they had managed to keep a good kissing rhythm until the mother of all interruptions - The Arrancar Intrusion. This one interruption was proving harder to bypass than any other of the previous disturbances they had endured so far.

The initial fear that this was THE Invasion was soon set aside as the Arrancar started mingling, eating and drinking with the Shinigami. Odd that that might be, it was Christmas time after all; a time of peace and celebration, even between sworn enemies. But as festive and peaceful these festivities should be nothing could make Hisagi and Kira forgive and forget the Soul Traitors.

They walked into the room, proud and calm, as if they had never left, as if they hadn’t turned their world into chaos, soiling their every belief and faith in their own captains.

Unconsciously Hisagi moved closer to Kira, the arm that had embraced him as they kissed was now protectively around the blond’s waist. He just hoped Kira’s trembling was the same as his own: Rage!

"We could still walk away, Kira.”

“No! We stay.”

“Hisagi, I can sense that you are well.”

“I have manage.” Innocuous enough. No thanks to you, would've sound like he was still too hurt. Running away would've been coward. Shuuhei didn't turn his back on fights. And HIM was just trailing along Tousen-tai... Tousen! And Kira's trembling had returned. And Shuuhei didn't run away from a friend in need; even if said friend was braver than he was. Kira had stepped from behind Shuuhei and stood, facing HIM.

Gin seemed only to have eyes for Kira as he drew closer.

"Izuru, I see ye're well."

Shuuhei stiffened at the closeness, physical but more disturbing, and insulting, the way he addressed Kira, intimately. As if he had been away for a long holiday and not absent plotting their world's destruction. A soothing hand settled on his arm as Kira moved forward, answering him.

"Yes," he said, calmly, the trembling completely under control. He observed them with interest but Shuuhei noticed the nearly imperceptible thinning of his grin.

"And I see ye've found someone else to warm yer bed, Izuru."
It shocked Shuuhei, he had not expected them to have been that close. He had envisioned a mentoring relationship like his and Tousen's but nothing as sordid as this.

He turned to Kira for confirmation, or better yet, a contradiction, a vehement denial, but Kira kept his gaze firmed on him and answered, "Yes, Gin." Much to Shuuhei's shock.

His smile widened in its fox semblance and he stepped closer, a hand trailing down Kira's face in mock caress.

In an instant Shuuhei's had his hand away from Kira's face, Kira had his hand on Shuuhei's arm effectively preventing the surge of violence going through Shuuhei. And Tousen had his hand on Shuuhei's shoulder in an attempt to appease the mood. Never letting go of his hand, he shrugged Tousen's hand from his shoulder and looked at Kira searching answers.

"It's all right, Shuuhei, leave it be." Kira wasn't smiling.

Shuuhei released his hand and stood his ground by Kira's side. Kira's hand remained on Shuuhei's arm but his eyes never left his.

"And he's protective too, just like ye like it. I'm glad ye've done so well. I had wondered, with me gone, how ye would react. But I see now that my concern was unfounded. Tell me, does he tie ye to the bed as well, Izuru?"

Shuuhei tensed like a too stretched bow string, ready to snap. Kira's hand on his arm tighten slowly while he spoke and then dropped to stay limply at his side when Shuuhei looked his way, right into Kira's eyes. They were clear, determined but fear and uncertainty loomed in its blue depths. Shuuhei understood that the doubt was meant at him. At them. At their relationship. Kira was afraid he would be rejected by him. Shuuhei nodded slightly and put a hand over Kira's and watched as he turned back to face him; the sly smile was impossibly wide.

"Does he know exactly where to press to make ye scream and how to slam into ye to make you come faster?"

"My sexual life is not of your concern," was all Kira responded.

"Ahh, don't say that. We had such fun times. Ye've became cold Izuru. Ye used to be so warm when writhin' under me."

"People change," was the only reply Kira gave.

"Regrettably. Well, maybe we should spend some time together. Reminiscing of old times. A kiss under the mistletoe, perhaps?"

"I think not. This party has been spoiled for me. I think I shall retire for the night."

"Mind if I join ye, Izuru?"

"Yes, I would mind it. Very much so, Gin. Now if you'll excuse me." Kira turned to leave, looking back over his shoulder at Shuuhei, his face betraying no emotion whatsoever before finally saying, "Have a good night. Enjoy the party."

"Ooh, I already am," he leered.

Shuuhei walked to stand by Kira's side and they stepped away; not fast nor slowly.

"We shouldn't leave yet," Kira whispered, as if the strength in his voice had been depleted with the confrontation.

"Why not?" Shuuhei asked intrigued.

"Because of Hinamori," Kira answered. "It's not only Gin and Tousen that have returned. Aizen is also back. And he's even worse at playing games with people than Gin. She'll need support."

Shuuhei looked for Hinamori around the overflowing room; he found her amidst all the girls.

"I don't think there's anything else we can do to help her. She'll be fine. Matsumoto-san will protect her. Let's go home."

"Hmm..." Kira's voice cracked ever so slightly that if Shuuhei hadn't been so close he would've missed it. Reassurance felt like the only thing he could do for his lover right now and it felt so inadequate, so far from enough.

"You were so brave," Shuuhei said. Far, far from enough. Kira closed his eyes. "Was I? I don't feel brave," he let out shakily.

"I almost couldn't keep my calm when they drew near but you stood your ground and gave me strength to face... Tousen. And then you faced him. My strong, wilful, powerful Kira."

"So why do I feel so vile now? And why aren't you disgusted with me?" There was a look of dejectedness in his face.

"I wouldn't!"

"Why? It doesn't make sense!"

"Because I like you. A lot. And whatever you've done before no longer matters. It doesn't for me and it shouldn't for you. This moment matters and right now you are amazing. And mine."

"I don't deserve you." Shuuhei quieted him with a kiss. Slow. Tender. "Yes, yes you do."

"Hmm..." "Let's go home."

"Please," Kira pleaded.


«Chapter 07 /// Chapter 09»

[Shunsui/Ukitake] - There's an Arrancar that can't seem to take his eyes off of Ukitake. Or is it Shunsui? Or both?

«"There's this one Arrancar that keeps looking your way, Jyuushiro."
"Perhaps he's looking your
way, Shunsui."
"Hmm, proly. It could be our way. Wouldn't that be interesting?"
"Indeed. Most interesting."»

[mistletoe kisses'08], !bleach, p:shuuhei/kira, #fanfiction, p:gin/kira

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