Book nattering: The Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman

Sep 18, 2020 11:44

So I don't know if I'm at the point of fannishness yet, but I've been seriously sucked into this series. As in, I've binge-read all six books in the space of about a month (thanks, Libby!) and am impatiently waiting for book 7 due out in December.

The heroine, Irene Winters, is a Librarian at an inter-dimensional Library that collects rare or ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

amberdreams September 18 2020, 19:40:34 UTC
I'm still not reading actual books but these sound like a lot of fun. I bet there will be someone out there who'll be able to gift you something if you request it!


marinarusalka September 18 2020, 22:34:02 UTC
It's a really fun series, and the books are a very quick read! I think you'd like them.


amberdreams September 25 2020, 20:25:34 UTC
I'm sure you're right.


classics_lover September 18 2020, 21:04:30 UTC
It's such a fun series! I haven't read all of it but I have gone through the first three or four. I love Irene, although a little sad she wasn't ace or aro as I had hoped after the first book, but such a good strong character. I have no clue if it's got much fannish traction yet but I hope so. There's 44 fanworks for it on Ao3 so some people are writing for it.


marinarusalka September 18 2020, 22:37:43 UTC
Irene is great! I love that she's super competent without being superhuman. Really, I love pretty much all the characters.

And hey, I don't think aro Irene has been ruled out, really. She's clearly having fun banging Kai, but she still seems to see him as a great BFF rather than a long-term romantic partner. It would be a totally valid headcanon, anyhow.


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