Book nattering: The Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman

Sep 18, 2020 11:44

So I don't know if I'm at the point of fannishness yet, but I've been seriously sucked into this series. As in, I've binge-read all six books in the space of about a month (thanks, Libby!) and am impatiently waiting for book 7 due out in December.

The heroine, Irene Winters, is a Librarian at an inter-dimensional Library that collects rare or unique books from different worlds. (This often requires stealing the books, or using otherwise shady means to acquire them when they can't be simply bought or bartered from the owner.) By some vaguely explained mystical mechanism, this allows the Library to help worlds maintain a balance between order (represented by dragons) and chaos (represented by the Fae), which keeps those worlds hospitable to humans. In pursuit of this goal, Irene has a lot of very action-packed adventures on multiple worlds in different time periods, cultures, and chaos vs. order levels. She is assisted by Kai, an apprentice Librarian who's also a [SPOILER] and Peregrine Vale, a Sherlock Holmes expy from an alternate steampunk Victorian London where Irene makes her home base. There's a growing cast of supporting characters, mostly Fae and Dragon as well as some fellow Librarians, and also an arch-nemesis. It's all incredibly tropey, and pretty much all the tropes are ones I love.

So... has anyone else read this series? If I request it for yuletide, what are my chances of actually getting fic? This entry was originally posted at You may comment there using OpenID.


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