Because I had had a request, this is an updating post about One Pound Gospel, this time plot-focused, since I could have a better opinion on the story itself
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"what is more important: the pursuit of "spirituality" and the devotion to the community or the pursuit of more personal dreams, of uncertain gratification possibilities?"
Not intending this as a comment on the show (as you well know I haven't seen it :-P), but in general, I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to that - it all depends on the person and the circumstances.
Yes, that's true :D Maybe it's all about why you do things and not about the final results, because even you struggle for helping a community it's not certain that you'll achieve your goal. It's only that you are bound to make someone happy along the way, however that is, or whoever that it. And that's why I can't blame Angela for having her doubts or Kosaku for chasing her ;D
yada~~~ I haven't watch ep 6, I just downloaded it!! I rly, rly love Ichipon, yup ENERGIZING- that's the word for that drama!! Kame's smile and things that he does (like hiding under the leaves)~~~makes the drama so sweet!! I love it when he cry!! ah~ love love love Hatanaka!!!
I am glad you liked the description! And I know that many people haven't watched it yet, so I tried not to include any spoilers XD Kosaku hiding under the leaves is THE crack!!! He is so funny!
addition: where the hell Sasuke going now?! ughhhh they should make the anime faster!!! i can't wait for his battle with Itachi (and get bored with this Sai things)
Comments 9
Not intending this as a comment on the show (as you well know I haven't seen it :-P), but in general, I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to that - it all depends on the person and the circumstances.
Maybe it's all about why you do things and not about the final results, because even you struggle for helping a community it's not certain that you'll achieve your goal. It's only that you are bound to make someone happy along the way, however that is, or whoever that it.
And that's why I can't blame Angela for having her doubts or Kosaku for chasing her ;D
And I know that many people haven't watched it yet, so I tried not to include any spoilers XD
Kosaku hiding under the leaves is THE crack!!! He is so funny!
i think i understand now why u like this series..
they should make the anime faster!!! i can't wait for his battle with Itachi (and get bored with this Sai things)
seriously, i get more temper lately and i know its not cause Sasuke effect :D
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