Oh iPod, wherefore art thou stupid? and other stuff.

Jul 19, 2011 20:43

Hello friends and random internet people!

I think I'm finally recovering! YESSS!!! :D I had headache problems, and then immediately after that, I caught a virus that's been circulating around town. That confined me to the couch for a few days, which sucked, but I think my couch potato days are over! HUZZAH.
Anyways, I have news to share about my ( Read more... )

marie : ipod adventures, marie : stories/rambling, marie : sicky sicky, marie : about the userpic..., marie : it's marie's life wheeeeee~

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Comments 3

plalligator July 20 2011, 03:33:47 UTC
That sounds fantabulous. That exact same thing happened to me with my old iPod, except I caught it during the warranty still.
But anyway that's a Good Thing. iPod touch is awesome. Take it from me. :) 32 GB should be enough to hold your laruku madness--how many songs is the full collection, again? My iPod counts 47, but that's deeeeefinitely not all of them. I don't have all of them, also, I think iTunes ate some. >:I

I literally lol'd at your pic. :D

OOOH, DO POST, DO! YOU SHOULD, YOU REALLY SHOULD. IF YOU DO I'LL PUT UP STUFF (I was going to anyway, but that's not the point.)


marieciel July 21 2011, 19:41:24 UTC
Hahaha, all my laruku madness... :) Umm, hmm, how big is it now? The current count stands at... about 137 songs, (+ I just bought one more, so 138) 43 videos, and 464 pictures. Yyyyeah... I feel both proud and ashamed at the same time. xD The fangirl/obsessed side of me is incredibly proud, but the other side of me is like, wow, you're really obsessed! But it makes me happy, so it's a good thing, right? :D Not all of those are on my iPod, btw. I doubt they would all fit xD;
Stupid iTunes, eating good music! :P

The jackpot picture? Haha yup, that one has earned its rightful title as My Favorite Picture of Tetsuya, Ever. I've tried many times to turn it into an icon, but the square dimensions cut out too much, and you lose the full effect. :( Ah well. It's still a wonderful picture :D

I will post, very soon! Going through final revisions as we type. :)


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Re: YAY! marieciel July 21 2011, 20:13:29 UTC
Aww, I've missed your capslocky messages :D
Thank you for the offer! I will probably take you up on it sometime. I always appreciate beta-ing :)
Like I said, fic going up really really soon!


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