Oh iPod, wherefore art thou stupid? and other stuff.

Jul 19, 2011 20:43

Hello friends and random internet people!

I think I'm finally recovering! YESSS!!! :D I had headache problems, and then immediately after that, I caught a virus that's been circulating around town. That confined me to the couch for a few days, which sucked, but I think my couch potato days are over! HUZZAH.
Anyways, I have news to share about my dearest iPod, and also some other minor ranting to do~...

So, I happen to be the very contented owner of an iPod nano, 4th generation.
Or, at least I was until about a month ago or so.
I love that thing to death, first of all- I got it for my birthday... two years ago, now? And I've coddled the thing. It's like my baby. I take it everywhere with me, and I've not even so much as dropped it. (okay, okay, I did once, right when I first got it... but I apologized profusely!) It has reciprocated by being nearly problem-free for quite a while, and providing me with portable jams. :3
Well, I had issues with it after a little less than a year, so I brought it back to the Apple store, cradling it in my arms and weeping, begging the kind men at the counter to please save my baby! They determined that it was faulty, so they replaced it with a clone of mine, and I was happy. I took even BETTER care of my replacement baby. And it hasn't had a single problem, not for a long time!
And here is where the plot thickens. Insert some shockingly minor chords here.

About a month ago, it started randomly shutting off. Also, I could put it down and leave it alone for a while, and then come back, and it would tell me that the battery is dead. This would be after I just took it off the dock from charging all night. Seriously? One song can't kill the battery!
So I figured, rechargeable batteries just sorta die after you recharge them enough times- and I've had my iPod for a while, so it's not that surprising. But, if that was the problem, then I shouldn't be able to turn it on at all- or it should die right away, every time. Only it doesn't. Some days it'll act just like normal, but others, it'll die right away, or after only an hour, or after being off for a few hours. It's so strange.

Again, I took it to the kindly Apple people in their brightly-colored shirts, cradling it in my arms, weeping, and asked them once again to please tell me what's wrong with my baby!
Me: So sometimes it'll hold a charge, and other times it won't... it'll just shut off at random times, too. I'll find its battery dead after it's been off for a while, and after I've just fully charged it. What is going on, and can I fix it? Or, can you fix it, oh magical Apple people?
Apple guy: It will hold a charge sometimes, but not others?
Me: Yes, exactly!
Apple guy: So it's not that the battery is just old, then... the battery is faulty.
Me: D':
Apple guy: ...You still have your warranty, right?
Me: D8

And here we are. Faced with a serious decision to make, I was- I could pay $80 to get the battery replaced in my poor, stupid, stupid iPod.
Or, my dad almost immediately pointed out to me... maybe I could get a new one.

Me: A new iPod... *-*
The 4th gen has the reputation of being the "problem batch" of the nano family... many people have reported issues with it, and so the 5th generation came along- basically the same thing as the 4th, only with an added camera, radio and shinier exterior- and most people ran off immediately to grab one.
Except me. I had warranty, I got mine replaced.
And then my replacement, conveniently a year after the warranty's expiration, decides to have a massive heart attack. Several, in fact.
Since mine, there have been several new iPods released. I rather liked the idea of getting a newer iPod, rather than sticking with my little member of the "problem batch".
I had several options: the newest iPod nano [6th gen], an iPod touch, or an iPhone.
iPhone? I have a phone. My phone may be crappy, but I really don't feel like spending my money on an iPhone. My dad was supporting the purchase of an iPhone, though, since apparently the battery is really easy to replaced- as in, he could do it himself. "You know, just in case the battery decides to blow up in the near future, we could save money and I could do it." Good point dad, but I don't want an iPhone. My current salary could not support that purchase, let alone a contract! *cringe*
iPod nano 6th gen? I played around with one, which belonged to one of my classmates. I'm sorry, but little colorful postage stamp? Stop trying to be an iPod touch. Touch screens may be magical things and draw teenagers to them like flies, but my fingers are too fat to operate the thing. The screen is just too small to be a good touch screen. (please note: I don't actually have fat fingers. The screen is just ridiculously small! xD;)
That leaves... an iPod touch. Now, this device has several things going for it: more memory space (yes! more space for even more crap!!! :D) as well as the capability to utilize apps (oooh, apps~) and built in wi-fi (useful for someone like me, who moves around a bit during the day... I don't always just lay on the couch being sick, you know!). It seemed like a win.
Only... $300? Umm, not something I can spare right now. I really, really didn't want to pay full price for it. But unfortunately, this is an Apple product. That means no coupons, and no sales, or at least, sales come very, very rarely. And my iPod is dying now.

So I went on the Apple store website. At this point I was really wanting to get an iPod touch, but really not wanting to spend the money. On the other hand, I could spare the $80 to get the battery replaced in mine, but I didn't want to be stuck with more repairs later that would inevitably come.
And then... I found refurbished models.
I was skeptical at first. I didn't want to buy something that someone else had returned! I know that Apple fixed whatever was wrong with it, but hey. I still didn't like it. So I did some web-surfing and found reviews, and they were all glowing. Apple's refurbished products are incredibly reliable! They go through even more intense testing than new products do! They come with the same 1-year warranty, and they even come with a NEW BATTERY.
I was a happy camper.
So I went back to cruising the Apple store, and looked at refurbished Touches. What did I find?
A refurbished 32GB model, for half the price of a new one.
And I was like,

credit to Tetsuya for the awesome face x3
I've ordered it, and it should be on its way soon!
I'm so happy. I got a new working iPod, and saved a whole chunk of cash. My frugal heart is singing.

Anyways, that's that story. Hope you've enjoyed!
...That story ended up sounding almost like an advertisement for Apple. Well, good job Apple. I still hate using Macs.

In other news, I've uploaded some new userpics (you may have noticed~) and cleaned out my older ones. Now I have three Hetalia ones (Canada~ <3 wahh so cute!) and one HP one (an owl in a hat... it's tinted bluish-purple and says "ravenclawz ftw!" because I, a self-declared Ravenclaw, think that particular house is the greatest. :3
Also I have a winky dog pic, because really... it's just a winky dog. Can't get much better than that. :)

That's all for today! Hmm, my friend pageleaf  has been requesting to see some fic outta me... well, what say you, plalligator ? My faithful editor has read what I've written over the past couple months. :3 I'm thinking perhaps I'll put up the Anniversary Story on my journal. It's a crossover, and you don't have to know a lot about the fandom to get the story anyway.
Well, you have to know one of the fandoms I guess, but it's one that twinnie would know! :) Hahaha~

Perhaps fic coming soon! Excited for new iPod, wah~ <3

Hope you're having a wonderful day! Sing and dance, that'll make it better~!

~ Marie Ciel <3

marie : ipod adventures, marie : stories/rambling, marie : sicky sicky, marie : about the userpic..., marie : it's marie's life wheeeeee~

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