
Jul 16, 2011 12:05

Hey there...everybody...

I've been sick the last few days, so I haven't been able to work on anything for a while. This brief hiatus has been due to my head, which is being stupid.
Headaches suck. :(

When one has a really bad headache, (and I've had a continuous one for the past two days) one is rendered unable to do even simple things. One often does some pretty stupid things, too, as one cannot think straight.
This would include, but is not limited to, the following:
- trying to shave one's legs with the cap still on the razor,
- going outside to call the dog and calling one's own name instead,
- attempting to sign one's name with one's left hand when one is clearly right-handed,
- giggling uncontrollably whenever anyone says certain words, such as 'chicken',
- being completely unable to play one's tin whistle, which isn't a terribly difficult instrument to play, and
- resorting to making weird noises when one's brain is unable to put together the words to properly express how one is feeling, such as 'muaaahhh'

Hopefully these will go away so that I will be (at least closer to) fully functional soon! :)

...(on a completely unrelated note, the punk version of Milky Way is really awesome :D)

Hope you're having a nice day!

~ Marie Ciel <3

marie : stories/rambling, marie : i guess my idiocy could be funny, marie : sicky sicky, marie : it's marie's life wheeeeee~

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