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Re: "Muaaahhh", indeed marieciel July 16 2011, 22:41:35 UTC
I think I'm getting better now! I feel really exhausted right now, but that should mean I'm recovering.
Maybe the chicken thing was my subconscious remembering that bit in the Social Network... that was seriously my fav part. :D
Fic? Fic fic? I wanna read fic :D
Thank you for the get-well wishes! I've been chugging water like there's no tomorrow... dunno if it's helping, but at least I'm not thirsty. :)


plalligator July 16 2011, 21:10:04 UTC
Jesus christ almighty not again. Please tell me you're taking some meds for this, or at least drinking water, you know dehydration isn't always really obvious and can manifest through headaches, so please drink water. And go to the doctor. I refuse to laugh at your ridiculously hilarious list until I find out whether you've seen a doctor and/or have taken meds. >:(

What about calling every other animal that one meets by either one's cat's name or by "good kitty"?


marieciel July 16 2011, 22:36:29 UTC
No need to worry, I'm taking plenty of medication. :) In fact, half (or more) of those instances on the list are probably more rightly attributed to medication rather than the headaches themselves. :P
I'm better today than I was the last two days though, I just feel worn out, but that means I'm getting over this little spell. I should be better in no time. :)
Thank you, pain reliever medication. :D

I've said so many stupid things the past two days, it's...well, it is pretty funny.
(ahahahaha 'good kitty'... "you know that's a dog, right?" :D)


marieciel July 16 2011, 22:38:55 UTC
Oh, and I know it's not dehydration- yesterday I drank two and a half water bottles in one hour.
That was my record... but I drank a few more water bottles that day too.

We don't exactly know what's causing it, these just happen sometimes. But I've taken plenty of pills and am definitely recovering. Everything should be hunky-dory real soon!


plalligator July 16 2011, 22:43:35 UTC
Good. :)
I sometimes get bad humidity headaches which no amount of water seems to help, so I can sympathize.

How do you fail to play a tinwhistle? Surely all you have to to is have enough breath to blow into it? owo

Every time I see yon puppy dog of yours, I have to stop myself from saying "good kitty."


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